Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006:
Quality Matters
Workshop Session

Workshop Session B7: "User Testing on a Shoestring Budget"

This page provides details for the workshop session on "User Testing on a Shoestring Budget".

User Testing on a Shoestring Budget
Emma Tonkin, UKOLN and Greg Tourte, UKOLN
User testing is often considered to be prohibitively expensive, complicated and time-consuming; the good news is that at least two of these assumptions are wrong. This hands-on session demonstrates how to use scenario-based user testing to check out the usability of a small application. It concentrates on accessible and practical real-world techniques for user testing, analysing the results, and working out how to apply them - as quick fixes, long-term aims or feature requests.
Learning Objectives:
This session is intended to demonstrate a method of user testing that can easily be understood and reused. It is principally designed to help attendees understand the uses of user testing, and gain an understanding of how to apply these skills in the real world.
Technical: technical rating
Hands on: hands on ratinghands on rating
Room Requirements:
PC, data projector, video camera, large screen.
Thursday 15th June 16.15-17.45
Contact Details
Emma Tonkin

Phone: ++44 1225 384930 hcard


[Slides (MS PPT)] [Slides 2 (MS PPT)]
[Sheet 1 (MS DOC)] [Sheet 2 (MS DOC)] [Sheet 3 (MS DOC)]

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