JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry

WP3: Registry Tools Development - Development Log

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Development Log

This records significant items of technical development work (mostly to the client, unless noted) along with links to snapshot releases and screenshots.

June 2005

30 June 2005 - project ends

Upgraded the data server with the latest Redland. Implemented SPARQL sorting to order LOM data elements. Added a new full text search service. Rewrote all the data queries to the latest SPARQL syntax. Documentation and packaging (DB).

Completing improvements to the website interface. Look and feel improvements after feedback. Added instructions for how to search and brows. Display of DC property usage improved. Searching for LOM Data Elements. Initial support for browsing and searching of LOM / Non-LOM vocabularies. Documentation and packaging (NR)

IEMSR website view mockups by Pete Johnston in PowerPoint or PDF formats.

May 2005

Continuing to improve the website interface. Support for search and browsing of RDF datasources. Colour, markup, layout and CSS style improvements. Many other bug fixes. (NR).

April 2005

After evaluation of the technical goals, focus moved onto improving the new website interface and completing the core website functionality. Added browse links for each of the top level views. Show names and not URIs where label properties are known. Improved browsing of LOM data elements and the root data element. Many other bug fixes. (NR)


Presented the tools for evaluation at the Workshop 1: Tools for the IEMSR at UKOLN in Bath.


Added status line and use it to acknowledge load, searches and submissions. Progress updates should be possible later. Fix to save 'condition' as a string not URI. Removed document dropdowns from Edit Properties dialog. Switch to DC mode if no DCAP is seen but an MV is seen. (DB).

Client bundle for workshop (9,192,523 bytes): iemsr-2005-03-14.zip
MD5SUM 73ba1fea8b1eec748e64cddc6181f9a5

Note: This zip includes software from third parties which are listed with their licenses in the README.txt in the zip.

This version is CVS tagged as client_2005_03_14

Properties tables now have headers and thus can be resized, made slightly wider. Reset serach description before a load. Removed search online button. Handle save and renaming of backup files. Fix re-loading of Classes/Encoding Schemes so they are not lost on input. (DB)

New website content appearing (NR).

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050314.jar

2005-03-12 (Saturday)

Fix more "Save As" file name problems on windows. Source (file name) set correctly after New and load. Metadata Vocabularies labels update correctly for DC/LOM after a load. Fix crashes when adding an element and adding a property to a Metadata Vocabulary. (DB)

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050312.jar


More updates to Documents dialog layout and editing. Save on win32 no longer adds extra ..rdf (only a bug with SWT + win32). Debug logging now goes to file iemsr.out only. (DB)

Client snapshot 17;30: iemsr-client-20050311-2.jar

Note that Eclipse SWT 3.1.0 is now required for the client (3.1M4-200412162000)

Edit Properties layout improved. Label changes for consistency with web site. (DB)

Tomcat installed on UKOLN server for new website (NR).

Client snapshot noon: iemsr-client-20050311.jar


Submitting to IEMSR registry server and sending slightly different data. Remove button in advanced tab now works. (DB)

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050310.jar


(UKOLN offline, added 2005-03-10)

MetadataVocabulary, Property and Datatype (Class) now have editable identifer URIs. Display all LOMAps in advanced view. On load, ask the user if they want to switch agency if their agency is not mentioned in the file. Adding a LOM DataElementUsage now adds all parent elements in the hierachy. The Delete and Remove buttons work (except for Datatype/Class). Greyed-out or disabled menu items and buttons that do not work yet. Submision works. (DB).

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050309.jar


(UKOLN offline, added 2005-03-10)

Visit to UKOLN for on-site test with client below (DB).

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050307.jar


LOM Data Element Usage elements are now hierarchical. (DB)

LOM AP with hierarchy
LOM AP with hierarchy

Website is now reading RDF data from the real registry using SPARQL (NR).

New Website with tabs
New Website with tabs

Various label fixes. Metadata Vocabularies, Properties and Classes now have editable URI fields. The top level of search results for DCAP is Metadata vocabularies, classes are below them. (DB).

Client snapshot 11am: iemsr-client-20050304.jar


LOM AP creation now shows all LOM Data ELements in a tree by default, narrowing on a search. Tree is a hiearchy of data elements. (Check/tickboxes are not presently selecting subtrees.) Adding LOM Data Elements no longer gives duplicates. (DB)

New website is being connected up to real data querying via SPARQL (NR).

Client snapshot 6pm: iemsr-client-20050303.jar


Select all, then add now works better. Fixed some problems with adding LOM elements. Duplicates aren't added. LOM Data Element Usages now have correct fields. Fields with Document values now all have dropdowns. (DB)

Client snapshot 5pm: iemsr-client-20050302-2.jar

Selection removal now works (DB).

Client snapshot 11am: iemsr-client-20050302.jar


Most of New button functionality working - new DCAP, Metadata Vocabulary, Element, Class/Encoding Scheme works although saving / loading of all that (especially latter) may not. Some Specification/Guidelines fields in the edit properties dialog now display a dropdown of document URIs but it is not yet connected up to editing or validation of that. (DB).

Demo of new website at ILRT (NR).

End of day client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050301-2.jar

Update OSX run scripts. Fix agency fields, saving and loading from preferences. Added Document system, Edit/Documents... menu item and dialog to edit the documents related to the model (editing not working). Hide non-owned metadata vocabularies and APs from display. Datatypes can be added to property usages and displayed, saved, loaded. (DB)

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050301.jar


Preferences are saved on exit. Selection/unselection works, allowing multiple items to be added with the Add button. Exiting with an already saved model does not ask. Title and model tyep gets updatedchanges after a load. Separate properties are now displayed for the basic / advanced tabs. Search results description gets cleared on new searches. The last item clicked in searches updates the description, no need to tick/check the box. (DB)

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050225.jar


Agency editing now uses main edit properties dialog and gets the same validation support as other dialogs. Fixed bugs in saving and loading to be more complete. Fixed saving causing crashes and other minor bugs. (DB)

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050224.jar


Added VocabStatus as well as TermStatus classes and values. Moved DC Application Profile editing to use same Dialogs as other Edit Properties. Creating a LOM Application Profile works, does validation of fields. Searching for LOM data elements and adding them works. Searching for DC datatypes (RDF Classes) works. (DB)


Added encoding scheme (RDF Class) and modified the search results to have two top level entries - Datatypes and Metadata Vocabularies (DC search). They will also be displayed inside metadata vocabularies as children of elements when present. Adding them has not been implemented yet. (DB)

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050218.jar


Application profiles are edited with the Edit Properties dialog rather than having special features. Record which fields need URIs and validate them as legal. Expand descriptive fields to have multiple lines. Fix some bugs reported PJ. Created a SPARQL interface to the registry (M2M) for use by the new web site frontend. (DB).

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050216.jar
Note: this needs two new Eclipse jar files jfacetext.jar (package org.eclipse.jface.text_3.1.0) and text.jar (package org.eclipse.text_3.1.0) added to the classpath, compared to earlier snapshots.


Client can edit DC and LOM Application profiles and - property usages / LOMDataElementUsage equally. Property values have validation where appropriate and dropdowns for short lists.. On startup program ensures agent dialog is filled then offers selection of open, new DCAP or new LOMAP. (DB)

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050214.jar


DC Application Profiles, DC Element Usages, DC Metadata Vocabularies, and DC Elements can all be edited. Saving and loading of DCAP works (DB).

This screenshot shows editing properties of a DC Element Format along with a search of the registry for elements using an AP taken from the RDN.

Editing Properties
Editing Element Properties

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050211.jar
Note: this needs a new Jena jar file jakarta-oro-2.0.5.jar to be added to the classpath, compared to earlier snapshots.


Agency preferences are saved and restored and populate the agent properties dialog and default agent for new APs. User preferences are recorded persistently in a Java properties file (DB).


Properties of element usages can be edited and changes start to be reflected back. (DB).


Properties of element usages can be edited (DB).

Editing Properties
a Editing Properties


Properties of the selected item in the registry's search results (left side of client) as well as those in the user's application profile (right hand side) are now displayed using data from the application user model (DB).

Screenshots of the client running on Linux with GTK:

Displaying Properties
Displaying Properties


Basic and advanced tabs now provide multiple views over the same AP data model (DB)


The 'ticked' tree view used in registry search results is now used in plain tree view form in the application profile display. Search results fill the left pane and 'Open...' fills the right pane. Switched to Eclipse 3.1 beta and Java 1.5 for faster development. (DB)

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050126.jar


Switched to log4j for application debug logging - this is a new jar file needed. (DB)


Refactored the tree viewing structure to allow for a search results tree and a user tree of data both controlled separately from the main display. Fixes for Java1.5 (DB).

Work on the connecting persisntent preferences to the agency dialog and search results (SP)


Added load support to the client. It now successfully loads DC Application profiles, elements (RDF Properties) and DCAPs written using the updated IEMSR data model. The resulting DCAP appears in the search results for now, testing the display code. (DB).

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-2005012.jar


Finished the main part of the selection code - separating the multiple trees of items and the more general selection code into model, view and controller parts. Hooked up the Select All button to this and created two new Actions for this and clearing the selection. (DB).


Designed the client user interface selection controller which manages what the user can select, and how the items are moved when the "Add>>" and "<<Remove" buttons in the GUI are clicked (DB).

Client snapshot: iemsr-client-20050105.jar


Refactored the classes representing the tree of data used to provide the hierarchical search results in preparation for improving the selection management. (DB)


Made the "Select All" and "Unselect All" buttons work (SP).


Worked with UKOLN service staff to achieve access to UKOLN hosting servers for the registry web site and project web site (DB).


Project Technical meeting at ILRT reviewing feedback from project meeting and planning (all). Meeting notes


Added initial preferences support for storing search results, current search and use of last file paths in dialogs (DB).


Worked with UKOLN service staff to investigate hosting of IEMSR work on UKOLN servers (DB).


Project Meeting at University of Bristol (all) Meeting notes.

Client snapshot iemsr-client-20041123.jar

Presentation: Metadata Application Profiles and the JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry by Pete Johnston at the IEMSR Project Meeting. See the Dissemination page

Presentation: JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry: Technical Update by Dave Beckett at the IEMSR Project Meeting See the Dissemination page


Published public vocabulary and other RDF data files for project use (PJ):

RDF Schema for DCMI Type Vocabulary
RDF Schema for RDN Type Vocabulary
RDF Schema for OAI-DC Vocabulary
RDF Schema for RSLP Collection Description terms
RDF Schema for RSLP Collection Description application profile


Ported the client to the Jena2 API (DB). Made the registry web server emit hierarchical views of LOM elements by reference numbers (DB).

Client snapshot iemsr-client-20041119.jar


Created screenshots of the client running on Windows 2000:

DC Title Search
DC Title Search
Agency Dialog
Agency Dialog
LOM Description Search
LOM Description Search
New LOM Application Profile Dialog
New LOM Application Profile Dialog
New DC Application Profile Dialog
New DC Application Profile Dialog
File Open Dialog
File Open Dialog

Made using the client iemsr-client-20041118.jar running on Windows 2000 at ILRT. Made a client bundle for Win32 client-win32-20041118.zip including Jena1 and Eclipse binaries. (DB)

Further model refactoring updates (SP). Many updates to the registry web server and fixes (DB).


Added term iemsr:RootDataElement to the model after initial registry testing (PJ, DB).


GUI improvements after the last technical meeting (SP) and addition of LOM model concept classes (DB). Many updates to the registry for relationships between LOM classes (DB).


Published public vocabulary and other RDF data files for project use (PJ):

RDF Schema for IEMSR metadata vocabulary
RDF Schema for IEEE LOM binding schema types
RDF Schema for IEMSR obligation roles
RDF Schema for IEMSR statuses
RDF Schema for IEMSR vocabulary statuses
RDF Schema for IEEE LOM Classification Purposes
RDF Schema for IEEE LOM Datatypes
RDF Schema for IEEE LOM Standard Value Spaces
RDF Schema for IEEE LOM Elements and LOM Vocabularies
RDN Dublin Core DCAP
Dublin Core Terms DCAP
MEG Terms DCAP (not used)
Dublin Core Element Set 1.1 DCAP


Added all the IEMSR LOM terms into the registry server (DB).


Updated the registry server to turn the MEG terms into IEMSR terms, for DC Application Profiles only (DB).

Updated data files for the IEEE LOM, UK LOM Core (LOM AP), Dublin Core, Dublin Core Schema, DC Terms Schema, MEG Terms Schema, RDN Terms Schema and UKEC, UKEL schemas delivered as iemsrdata.zip (53K, zip) and browsable at 2004-11-11 data (DB).


Initial UK LOM Core document conversion to IEMSR schema in RDF completed and available at uklomcore.rdf, a LOM Application Profile, along with Dublin Core dcap.rdfs, a DC Application Profile (DB).


Project Technical meeting at ILRT (all). Meeting notes

Checked in the refactored model splitting the GUI concepts from the model concepts (SP)


Initial IEEE LOM conversion to IEMSR schema in RDF completed and available at lom.rdf and loaded into initial IEMSR data registry (DB).


Imported the MEG Registry client into SourceForge CVS, for use as initial IEMSR data registry and web site.


Started scraping LOM structured information from "text" documents: LOM final draft (PDF linked from IEEE Final 1484.12.1-2002 LOM Draft Standard) - the LOM and UK LOM Core (HTML) as a LOM application profile.(DB).

Added ANT build support allowing the client to be built outside Eclipse (DB).

Imported the code into SourceForge's CVS from external development by Simon Price (DB).

This code can be browsed in CVS or checked out from CVS


Dave Beckett full time on the project.


Initial screenshots showing the SWT and JFace GUI style running on Windows XP (SP).

Agency Dialog
Agency Dialog
DC Application Profile Dialog
DC Application Profile Dialog


Nikki Rogers joins the technical development at ILRT (~0.3).

Updated RDF descriptions of a DCAP created by hand from PJ: RDN DC AP with the metadata vocabs used at RDN Terms and Meg Terms.


Project Technical meeting at UKOLN (all). Meeting notes


After SP looked at the technology, licensing and technical issues and wanting a much better user experience decided to change the client's GUI framework from Sun's Swing to Eclipse's SWT and JFace. See also this item in the SWT FAQ: Q: Can I use SWT for stand-alone apps? A: Yes.


Presentation: Supporting eLearning with metadata repositories and semantic web technologies by Dave Beckett at the ALT Labs Group SIG, HP Laboratories, Bristol. See the Dissemination page

Attended the JISC Joint Programmes meeting (SP, PJ).

Presentation: The JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry by Pete Johnston & Simon Price at JISC Joint Programmes Meeting, Brighton. See the Dissemination page


Presentation: The JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry and IEEE LOM Application Profiles by Pete Johnston to CETIS Metadata & Digital Repositories SIG, University of Liverpool. See the Dissemination page


Project Technical meeting at ILRT (all). Meeting notes


Internal ILRT technical meeting to review MEG client analysis (SP and DB).


Simon Price starts working on project (effort varies)

Technical work started on analysing and understanding the MEG Registry project, reports, MEG registry server, MEG client software and later CORES work (SP)


Project Technical meeting at UKOLN (all). Meeting notes


Project Technical meeting at ILRT (all). Meeting notes


Dave Beckett starts working part time on the project.