JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry

WP3: Registry Tools Development - Data Server

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The JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry (IEMSR) data server is a simple RDF data store for metadata schemas, application profiles (APs) using Dublin Core and LOM vocabularies along with associated IEMSR model information. It allows loading, accessing, querying and updating the RDF materials from multiple machine APIs serving the IEMSR IEMSR website interface via SPARQL and free-text search interfaces, and the desktop schema creation tool via a simple query and upload interface.

Download Data Server software

The SourceForge schemas project hosts the CVS repository and provides live browsing of the CVS for the source code and checking out of IEMSR sources from CVS.

Releases can be found the files area

Running the Data Server

The client is written in Perl using Redland and it's Perl bindings. These will both need to be installed first and can be retrieved from the Redland site.

Redland can use several storage backends of which either a MySQL database (preferably) or a standalone BerkeleyDB store are recommended to be used with the data server.


Before end of project
