[JISC] Educating the User, Training the Administrator

Andrew Charlesworth
Director, Information Law and Technology Unit
University of Hull Law School

The following constitutes the notes and text from the slides from Andrew Charlesworth's presentation at Facing the Legal Challenges of Providing Internet Access in HEIs, organised by The JISC with support from UKOLN

Educating and Informing the User


Policy at the University of Hull


Administration & Regulation

Dealing with Problems


Hypothetical II

The Internationalisation of the Issues

Obtaining and Protecting Your Own Rights. Issues to consider

Technological changes

HE Institutions and the IPR I

HE Institutions and the IPR II

An example of the problem

The New IPR

The Future I

The Future II

Please note that all material contained in the presentations "Data Protection & Defamation", and "Educating the User, Training the Administrator" at that seminar, and their accompanying notes remains copyright of A.Charlesworth unless otherwise specifically provided. Permission is granted to the JISC and others to provide access to, or make, multiple copies on paper or in digital format, for use in UK educational institutions, as long as the author and his institution are credited on each copy. This includes mounting the material on a web server.

Facing the Legal Challenges of Providing Internet Access in HEIs
Organised by The JISC with support from UKOLN