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RDN-Include: Re-branding Remote Resources

About This Paper

This page contains access to a short paper on RDN-Include: Re-branding Remote Resources which was presented as a poster at the WWW10 conference held in Hong Kong on 1-5 May 2001 and published in the poster proceedings.



This paper is available from the University of Bath institutional repository.

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RDN-Include: Rebranding Remote Resources (Accompanying Posters)
Poster [HTML format] - Poster [PowerPoint]


The Resource Discovery Network (RDN) has developed tools that allow educational institutions and other organizations to access and display the output from its Web services with their own branding and look-and-feel. This paper describes the need for such tools and the architectural approach to their development. A potential application of this approach to the incorporation of news feeds is also given.

Keywords: Resource discovery, subject gateways, content sharing, re-use, news feeds, RSS, XML

Citation Details

RDN-Include: Re-branding Remote Resources, Cliff, A., Powell, A. and Kelly, B. WWW 10 Hong Kong, 1-5 May 2010. <>