Raising Awareness

"A centre of excellence in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information and cultural heritage communities."

UKOLN is based at the University of Bath.

Research Officer (Text Digitisation) Ref: 09346CLC

Job Description

Job Advertisement | Job Description | Person Specification | About UKOLN

1. Purpose

The post will constitute a major part of UKOLN's contribution to IMPACT (Improving Access to Text), a major research project funded by the European Union as part of the FP7 (Seventh Framework Programme) ICT Work Programme, and will support the project consortium in helping to build capacity on text digitisation in Europe, chiefly through the provision of high-quality documentation and delivering a training programme. More information on the project and its aims can be found at

2. Reporting Structure

The post holder will be a member of the Research and Development Team and will report to the Research and Development Team Leader.

3. Tasks and Responsibilities


  • To produce reports and articles for dissemination.
  • To promote UKOLN through presentations at conferences and other events, and travel as required to UK and international locations.
  • To be a member of relevant internal and external committees and working groups.
  • To participate in planning activities to inform the longer-term strategic direction of the organization, in partnership with members of the Management Team and the Director
  • To work with UKOLN teams to support the mission and strategic objectives of the organization.

Specific activities

  • To make a significant contribution to the Capacity Building sub-project of IMPACT
  • To collaborate with other IMPACT partners on producing a comprehensive range of high-quality learning resources and other documents relating to the large-scale digitisation of textual content. A major part of this post would involve the writing and editing of such documents
  • To work in collaboration with other IMPACT partners on the design and delivery a European training programme focused on the large-scale digitisation of text and the concepts and tools being developed by the project
  • To contribute to IMPACT project communication, e.g. through e-mail lists or the project sharepoint (Intranet)
  • To set up and facilitate ad hoc meetings with IMPACT project partners (and others) when necessary
  • To represent UKOLN through active participation in IMPACT project meetings and teleconferences
  • To produce regular internal reports as required for the IMPACT project office, sub-project leaders and executive board
  • To promote UKOLN (and the IMPACT project) through high quality presentations at external workshops, conferences and other dissemination and outreach opportunities. Also by participation in internal staff development seminars
  • To set-up and maintain pages on the UKOLN Web-site that would provide a means of keeping UKOLN staff and stakeholders up-to-date with key IMPACT project progress.
  • To promote the same through news feeds and the UKOLN home page.
  • To report internally and externally on progress in all of the above work areas
  • To carry out other relevant activities as indicated by the Director

4. Contacts outside UKOLN and the University

IMPACT partner organizations and their representatives; specifically the project co-ordinator (the National Library of the Netherlands), the sub-project leader (the British Library), and other workpackage partners. A full list of IMPACT partners is available at

Project Officers from the European Commission's Information Society and Media Directorate-General

Representatives of other EC-funded initiatives as required, e.g. FP7, eContentplus, Europeana, etc.

5. Equal Opportunities

The post holder will carry out their job responsibilities with due regard to the University of Bath’s Equal Opportunities policy.

6. Terms and Conditions

These will be stated in the Contract of Employment.