Raising Awareness

"A centre of excellence in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information and cultural heritage communities."

UKOLN is based at the University of Bath.

Searching the UKOLN Website

The UKOLN site can now be searched using Swish-e. Enter one or more keywords and the search engine will look for these in the full text of all documents: html, php, cgi, MS Office files (.doc, .ppt, .xls), and pdf. If you are not familiar with using a search engine, or are not familiar with forming search expressions/queries using Boolean terminology (ands, ors, and so forth), then please read the hints below.

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  • and - by default, and is automatically inserted between terms where no other operator is used. Example: Netskills Foster will tell you of pages with both the words Netskills and Foster in them.
  • or - needs to be specified if required. Example: Netskills or Foster will tell you of any pages containing either the words Netskills or Foster.
  • Phrase - surround a phrase in double quotes to search for it. Example: "Lorcan Dempsey" will result in pages being identified that contain the phrase Lorcan Dempsey
  • Truncation - use a * to indicate truncation. Example: veget* will identify all pages containing the words vegetable, Vegetarian, Vegetated and so on...
  • Searches are case insensitive, so searches on ukoln, Ukoln or UKOLN will all identify the same pages.
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