ResearchRevealed / DevCSI:
Linked Data Event in January 2011
The JISC-funded ResearchRevealed and DevCSI projects have jointly organised a free two-day workshop for software developers, research information managers, researchers, librarians and linked data experts who are interested in the development of linked data, systems and services. The event will take place over 13 - 14 January, 2011 in Bristol and includes free accommodation.
This event is now full. If you would like to be put on a waiting list, please contact Mahendra Mahey on m.mahey@ukoln.ac.uk
Events like these are sometimes called 'Hack Days' and we will be encouraging participants to form teams to talk about the potential of linked data systems and approaches for the sharing of content and the promotion of research information across the UK and worldwide. We hope these teams will come up with some imaginative and innovative ideas. The focus will be on practical solutions to scenarios such as ‘how can my system automatically discover research collaborators?’ and tackling issues such as harvesting versus the querying of SPARQL endpoints, or the requirements for data security in the context of inter-institutional information sharing. The event will culminate in a series of presentations from the teams about the work they have carried out.
Tool developers and the users of research data tools rarely have opportunities to experiment in a focused way on putting systems together; this workshop will facilitate collaboration between technical and non-technical people with the opportunity for rapid prototyping to produce solutions to real, practical scenarios in the UK FE and HE sectors.
Colleagues at ResearchRevealed have kindly set up a wiki to facilitate collaborative team working before, during and after the event. You will need to register before you can gain access.
More information on the workshop is available at http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/events/devcsi/linked_data_hackdays/
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