JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry

WP3: Registry Tools Development - Website Server

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Phase 1 WP1: Project management WP2: Model/Use WP3: Tools WP4: m2m WP5: Validation WP6: Policy WP7: Evaluation


The JISC IE Metadata Schema Registry (IEMSR) website software is a web-based user interface to the data stored in the IEMSR data server. It provides a view over the metadata information stored in the data server, such as created by the desktop schema creation tool.

Download Website Server software

The SourceForge schemas project hosts the CVS repository and provides live browsing of the CVS for the source code and checking out of IEMSR sources from CVS.

Releases can be found the files area

Running the Website Server

The WebSite Server software is a java web application, downloadable as a .war file so that it may be deployed directly into the Apache Tomcat servlet container as a web application.

There is a demo of the release dated 2005-06-30 running at the IEMSR website.

This software has been developed and deployed using these technologies:

It also uses these standards:

The application source code may be found in the webapp's /WEB-INF/source directory of the software release. Struts libraries and other .jar files required are included in the /WEB-INF/lib directory. The Apache Software License applies.

Further technical information may be found in the README text file included with the software.


Development work

Known minor bugs