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MEG Metadata Schemas Registry

Creating and registering schemas : a practical workshop

Tuesday 21 January 2003
UKOLN, University of Bath

Tuesday 21 January, 2003
11:05Metadata schema registries : background & context   Slides: [HTML] [Ppt]
Rachel Heery, Assistant Director, Research & Development, UKOLN
11:25The MEG metadata schema registry: architecture and data model   Slides: [HTML] [Ppt]
Pete Johnston, Research Officer, UKOLN
11:55Demonstration: The MEG registry client (Part 1)
(a) Introduction
(b) Element Sets and Encoding Schemes
Pete Johnston, Research Officer, UKOLN
12:15Practical 1
General notes for the practical exercises   [HTML]
Exercise 1 : Installing and launching the client   [HTML]
Exercise 2 : Creating, submitting and browsing descriptions of Element Sets and Elements   [HTML]
Exercise 3 : Creating, submitting and browsing descriptions of Encoding Schemes and Controlled Values   [HTML]
13:40Demonstration: The MEG registry client (Part 2) : Application Profiles
Pete Johnston, Research Officer, UKOLN
14:00Practical 2
Exercise 4 : Creating, submitting and browsing descriptions of simple Application Profiles   [HTML]
14:45Complexity and (over?) simplification in the MEG registry data model   Slides: [HTML] [Ppt]
Pete Johnston, Research Officer, UKOLN
15:30Discussion or Further Practical Session
according to preference of participants