June 1997 - Coventry, UK

Retreat Facilitators

Gerry Bernbom is currently Visiting Programme Officer at CNI. He is also Associate Director of University Computing Services at Indiana University. He is co-developer of Inforum, Indiana University's professional development programme for librarians and technologists. He has published and presented nationally on the subjects of strategic planning, campus-wide information systems, information policy, and information management issues.

Professor Joan Day is Head of the Department of Information and Library Management at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle. She is Director of the IMPEL II Project funded by the JISC's Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib). IMPEL is investigating the social, organisational and cultural impacts on academic library staff of working in an increasingly electronic environment.

There will be two further UK facilitators, one with a library background, the other with IT.

Content by Hazel Gott of UKOLN
Web page by Isobel Stark of UKOLN

Page last revised on 23-Apr-1997