Raising Awareness

"A centre of excellence in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information and cultural heritage communities."

UKOLN is based at the University of Bath.

CIG Standards Seminars

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University of Manchester
Staff House, Sackville Street

Wednesday 2 April 2008

Organised by CIG and co-ordinated by UKOLN

About the Event

Cataloguing fights back! They may be badged as metadata, ontology and taxonomy but the defining skills of the library profession are once again in demand. The challenge of organising and integrating information across the spectrum of media from incunables to mash-ups is stimulating a profound change in bibliographic standards. "RDA: Resource Description & Access" is a content standard for the semantic web as much as for the library. RDA will replace the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules in 2009. National exchange formats, like UKMARC have had their day. Libraries and bibliographic agencies are adopting international standards, such as MARC 21, for better interoperability with industry standards such as XML and UNICODE.

Changing the record: Moving to MARC 21 - Thinking about whether, when and why to change to MARC 21? This event will cover the benefits and features of MARC 21, and migration and implementation issues. It is intended for those in public libraries and others who are considering making the change.

CIG Standards Seminars: This seminar will give you the latest news on the major standards in the library world. There will be updates on recent changes to MARC 21 and Dewey Decimal Classification and reports on how the AACR/RDA work is progressing. Speakers are: Corine Deliot, Gordon Dunsire, Ann Chapman and Alan Danskin.


CIG is charging a fee for these events. The fees are: one session £35, both sessions £70; a discount of £5 is available to CIG members. If attending both sessions, please note that lunch is not provided but can be purchased at catering outlets within the venue building.


Please register your place at this event by completing the Booking Form. The closing date for bookings is Friday 14 March 2008.