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The Evolution Of Web Protocols

This page contains access to the paper on "The Evolution Of Web Protocols" which was published in the Journal of Documentation.


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Citation Details

The Evolution Of Web Protocols, Kelly, B. Journal of Documentation, pp 71-81, Vol. 55, No. 1 January 1999.


This paper outlines the evolution of World Wide Web protocols. The paper reviews the original protocols developed for the Web, in addressing, transport and data formats. A review of developments of the protocols is given, including developments of web data formats (HTML 4.0, cascading stylesheets and XML), transport (HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/NG) and addressing (URLs). The paper describes how the web initially lacked a metadata architecture and outlines the emergence of a metadata architecture for the web.

The paper includes a review of Web technologies which have a social impact on our society, including the Web Accessibility Initiative, the Digital Signature Initiative and the Platform for Privacy Preferences Project.