Raising Awareness

"A centre of excellence in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information and cultural heritage communities."

UKOLN is based at the University of Bath.

Mashed Library Workshop July 2009


Brian Kelly was invited to facilitate an informal 30 minute discussion session on "Enthusiastic Amateurs and Overcoming Institutional Inertia" at the Mashed Library 2009 event which was held at the University of Huddersfield on Tuesday 7th July 2009.

Please note that this session is one of six parallel sessions which was held at the start of the event.


The Mashed Library event is likely to attract a mixture of 'hard-core software developers' and 'enthusiastic amateurs'. Although the hard-core software developers may be in a position to implement ideas from the event in their day job, there are dangers that the enthusiastic amateurs may be dis-illusioned when they return to work if they feel there aren't tangible ways of making use of new skills they have learnt, new ideas they have been exposed to and new communities they have started to engage with.

This session with provide an opportunity for the enthusiastic amateurs to discuss what should happen when they to work.

The session will be facilitated by Brian Kelly, who is happy to describe himself as an enthusiastic amateur!


[MS PowerPoint] - [HTML]

Note that a video of this talk is available. Information about the video is summarised in the University of Huddersfield repository.