Raising Awareness

"A centre of excellence in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information and cultural heritage communities."

UKOLN is based at the University of Bath.

The Future for Educational Resources and Services in a Web 2.0 World


Brian Kelly gave a 45 minute talk on The Future for Educational Resource Repositories in a Web 2.0 World at an Edspaces Project workshop held at the University of Southampton on 4th November 2009.


The EdSpace project, a JISC-funded project based at the University of Southampton, has developed the EdShare service which provides an institutional environment for the management of institutional elearning resources.

In this talk Brian Kelly will reflect on the future for educational resources and services in a Web 2.0 World. The talk will acknowledge that although 'Web 2.0' was, in some quarters, initially dismissed as a vague marketing term, the importance of the Web 2.0 environment has now been widely acknowledged as having a significant role to play in the educational and research communities.

But what aspects of Web 2.0 are relevant to the sector? Although the use of technologies such as AJAX to provide more intuitive and easy-to-use interfaces for the user communities, syndication technologies such as RSS and Atom and application environments such as blogs and wikis are now being increasingly used in the development of institutional Web 2.0 services, there is also a need to consider some of the softer aspects of Web 2.0, including the notion of 'the network as a platform', trust in the user and the culture of openness.

In this talk Brian will give his views on the use of Web 2.0 from these perspectives.



[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format] - [HTML format]

The slides are alaos available on Slideshare and are embedded below.

Accompanying Resources


Biographical Details

Brian Kelly has been involved in Web development since January 1993, when he helped to established a Web site at the University of Leeds (one of the first institutional Web sites in the UK). Since 1996 Brian has been employed at UKOLN, a national centre of expertise in digital information management based at the University of Bath in the UK. His responsibility is to advise the UK's higher and further community and the cultural heritage sector on ways of maximising the potential of the Web.