Blogs and Social Networks Workshop: Blogging In A Managed Environment

Blogs and Social Networks Workshop Workshop

This page provides access to the slides to be used by David Harrison in his talk on "Disruptive Technology and its Implications for University Information Services".


This presentation explores the phenomenon of 'disruptive technology' and the implications it has for University Information Services. The nature of technology initiated disruption is explored, identifying some of its causes and effects and implications for service provision. It is suggested that a modified approach to service provision and management must be adopted in order to alleviate disruptive consequences of technology and capitalise upon its benefits. Fundamental to achieving this will be adopting a philosophy of enablement through partnership at all levels of the organisation to harness better ways of staying abreast of and responsive to the potential value of emerging technologies. Central to achieving this will be adopting news ways of communicating and working with staff, students and the wider organisation, with the aim being the University is confident about the degree of control, ownership and responsibility that is in place.


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