Rachel Heery - Publications

It is with great sadness that we report that Rachel Heery, former Deputy Director of UKOLN, died on Friday 24 July 2009, after a long-term illness. Rachel joined UKOLN in 1995, and led the R&D Team and later became Deputy Director until her retirement in 2007.


Terminology Services and Technology: JISC state of the art review, Report to the JISC, September 2006
Douglas Tudhope, University of Glamorgan
Traugott Koch, UKOLN, University of Bath
Rachel Heery, UKOLN, University of Bath
< >

Digital Repositories Roadmap: looking forward
Rachel Heery, UKOLN, University of Bath and Andy Powell, Eduserv Foundation, April 2006
URL: < >

Digital Repositories Review: February 2005
Rachel Heery, UKOLN, University of Bath and Sheila Anderson, Arts and Humanities Data Service, February 2006
See: <>

Digital Repositories Review: February 2005 Annex 1
See: <>

Digital Repositories Review: February 2005 Annex 2
See: <>

Digital Repositories Review: February 2005 Annex 3
See: <>


The JISC Metadata Schema Registry.
R. Heery, P. Johnston, D. Beckett, N. Rogers
In: Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Denver, CO., USA, June 7-11, 2005, p.181.
New York: Association for Computing Machinery.

Enhancing access to research data: the challenge of crystallography.
Monica Duke, Michael Day, Rachel Heery, Leslie A. Carr, and Simon J. Coles
In: Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Denver, CO., USA, June 7-11, 2005,
New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 46-55.
Abstract at: <>

Digital repositories review.
R Heery and S Anderson. Report to accompany JISC Digital Repositories Programme call, February 2005.
Available from: <>


Integrating research data into the publication workflow: the eBank experience.
R Heery, M Duke, M Day, L Lyon, S Coles, J Frey, M Hursthouse, L Carr, and C Gutteridge,
In: Proceedings PV-2004: Ensuring the Long-Term Preservation and Adding Value to the Scientific and Technical Data, 5-7 October 2004, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, (ESA WPP 232),
Noordwijk: European Space Agency, 2004, 135-142

Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL),
Bath, UK, September 12-17, 2004.
Rachel Heery & Liz Lyon (eds.)
Publ. Springer: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3232.
URL: <>

Metadata futures: steps towards semantic interoperability.
In: Diane Hillmann and Elaine Westbrooks, (eds.), Metadata in Practice: a work in progress, American Library Association, Chicago 2004, pp. 257-271.


Dublin Core Application Profile Guidelines. CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) 14855. CEN European Committee For Standardization, Brussels, November 2003.
Rachel Heery (with Thomas Baker, Makx Dekkers, Thomas Fischer)

Delivering HILT as a JISC IE shared service.
Rachel Heery - October 2003
HILT Project deliverable
HTML: <>
PDF: <>

Metadata schema registries in the partially Semantic Web: the CORES experience.
Rachel Heery and Pete Johnston, with Csaba Fülöp & András Micsik (MTA SZTAKI) - September 2003.
In: Proceedings of the 2003 Dublin Core Conference: Supporting Communities of Discourse and Practice - Metadata Research and Applications, Seattle, Wa., USA, 28 September - 2 October 2003.
Available: <>


Application profiles: interoperable friend or foe?.
Rachel Heery - 2002
In: Michaela Michel and Britta Woldering (eds.) TEL Milestone Conference, The European Library, 2002, pp. 34-39.

The MEG Registry and SCART: complementary tools for creation, discovery and re-use of metadata schemas.
Rachel Heery and Pete Johnston, with Dave Beckett and Damian Steer (ILRT, University of Bristol) - October 2002
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata for e-Communities, 2002. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2002, pp. 125-132.
PDF: <>

A metadata registry for the Semantic Web.
Rachel Heery, with Harry Wagner (OCLC Research) - May 2002.
D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 5.
HTML: <>


What terms does your metadata use? Application profiles as machine-understandable narratives T. Baker, M. Dekkers, R. Heery, M. Patel, G. Salokhe. November 2001 Journal of Digitial Information, Vol 2. Issue 2. (Permalink)

Declaring and sharing metadata schemas - the SCHEMAS project. Rachel Heery. Information Europe, Vol 6 Issue 2,Summer 2001. (Permalink)

SCHEMAS: greep krijgen op metadata. Rachel Heery. Informatie Professional, 2001 [5] 7/8. Juli/Augustus 2001. Translated by Marianne Peereboom.(Permalink)

OAI Open Meeting. Rachel Heery - Cultivate Interactive. May 2001.

Renardus project developments and the wider digital library context. Rachel Heery, Leona Carpenter and Michael Day . D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, no. 4. April 2001.


Application profiles: mixing and matching metadata schemas. Rachel Heery and Manjula Patel. Ariadne, No. 25. September 2000. (Permalink)

Information Architecture. Renardus Talking Heads 2 : July 2000. (Permalink)

Information gateways: collaboration on content. Online Information Review, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 40-45. April 2000. (Permalink)


Contributor to: Martin Belcher, Virginia Knight and Emma Place, (eds.), DESIRE Information Gateways Handbook. DESIRE project deliverable D3.4. DESIRE Project, 1999. (Permalink)

Dublin Core Metadata Intitative: Structure and Operation. Renato Iannella and Rachel Heery, May 1999. DCMI Note. <URL: > (Permalink)

Quality Ratings in RDF. Dan Brickley, Tracy Gardner, Rachel Heery and Debra Hiom. Deliverable 3.1, Telematics for Research project DESIRE II. February 1999. <URL: >(Permalink)

National bibliographic records in the digital information environment: metadata, links and standards. Journal of Documentation, Vol. 55, no.1, January 1999, pp 16-32. ISSN 0022-0418. (with Michael Day and Andy Powell) (Permalink)


Metadata: a current view of practice and issues. Journal of Documentation, Vol. 54, no.2, March 1998, pp. 145-172. (with Lorcan Dempsey) (Permalink)

What Is ... RDF? Ariadne (Web version), No. 14, March 1998. HTML: <URL:> (Permalink)

CrossROADS and interoperability. Ariadne (Web version), No. 14, March 1998. HTML: <URL:> (with Andy Powell and Michael Day) (Permalink)


Library and Information Briefings, 75: Metadata. London: South Bank University, Library Information Technology Centre. September 1997. ISSN 0954-1829. (with Andy Powell and Michael Day).(Permalink)

In at the shallow end: metadata and cross-domain resource discovery.In: Discovering online resources across the humanities: a practical implementation of the Dublin Core edited by Paul Miller and Daniel Greenstein. Bath: UKOLN on behalf of the Arts and Humanities Data Service, 1997, pp. 63-71. ISBN 0-9516856-4-3. HTML: <URL:> (with Lorcan Dempsey and Rosemary Russell)(Permalink)

Naming names: metadata registries. Ariadne (Web version), No. 11, September 1997. HTML: <URL:> (Permalink)

Specification for resource description methods Part 1: A review of metadata: a survey of current resource description formats . Deliverable 3.2 (1) for Work Package 3 of Telematics for Research project DESIRE. March 1997. HTML: <URL:> (with Lorcan Dempsey)(Permalink)


Metadata Formats. Deliverable D1.1 - Work Package 1 of Telematics for Libraries project BIBLINK (LB 4034). December 1996. HTML: <URL:>(Permalink)

Review of metadata formats. Program, Vol. 30, no.4, October 1996, pp. 345-373. HTML: <URL:> (Permalink)

Resource description: initial recommendations for metadata formats. Work Package 3 of Telematics for Research project DESIRE. July 1996. HTML: <URL: > (Permalink)

ROADS: Internet resource discovery. In: Quality of electronic services: ELAG 20th Library Systems Seminar, Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut and Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 24-26 April 1996 ed. by Heinz Habermann. Berlin: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussoscher Kulturbesitz, 1998, pp. 173-178. (Permalink)

ROADS: Further down the ROADS. Ariadne (web version), No. 3, May 1996. HTML: <URL:> (Permalink)

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