Brigitte Jörg

Job Title
CERIF National Co-ordinator
Contact Details
Innovation Support Center
University of Bath
tel: +44 (0) 1225 3843218
twitter: brigitte.joerg
I have recently joined the Innovation Support Centre (ISC) at UKOLN, in the role of the National Co-ordinator with the CERIF Support Project (CSP) funded by JISC. The JISC has invested considerable resources into enhancing the UK Higher Education sector's capacity to manage research information, and UKOLN ISC supports this closely. My role is to co-ordinate and thus facilitate ongoing UK CERIF and CRIS related activities.
Short Biography
Before joining UKOLN, I worked with DFKI - the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (2001 - 2012), in Saarbrücken and Berlin, Germany where my main responsibility was with managing the so-called Virtual Information Center in the field of Language Technology. During my employment with DFKI I was involved in several EU and National projects related to Research Infrastructures.
Since 2005 I have been actively involved in euroCRIS (, being a member of the Board and steering the CERIF task group. euroCRIS is dedicated to the development of Research Information Systems and their Interoperability. CERIF - the Common European Research Information Format - is an EU recommendation to Member States. The European Commission handed over responsibility for CERIF to euroCRIS in 2002. CERIF is growing in importance in the Research Information Management Space in the UK, but also internationally.