Raising Awareness

"A centre of excellence in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information and cultural heritage communities."

UKOLN is based at the University of Bath.

UKOLN History 1977-2005


The Centre for Catalogue Research is established. The establishment of this office, funded by the British Library R&D Department, was preceded by several projects looking at catalogues and bibliographic data, including the Bath University Programme of Catalogue Research (1977-79). This work was initiated by Maurice Line who was University Librarian for a couple of years and Philip Bryant, technical services librarian. Philip Bryant became Director of the CCR. People who worked with the Centre in this period included Alan Seal, Janet Kinsella, Gill Venner, Steve Prowse, Jo Lye and Carolyn Hall.


The Centre for Bibliographic Management is established. The change of name recognises the wider role the Centre is playing in the UK library world. Lorcan Dempsey and Ann Chapman become research officers at CBM during this period, and Thay Gordon joins as secretary.


The UK Office for Library Networking is established after a grant is made by the British Library Research and Development Department (BLRDD). John Smith became the National Project Officer for UKOLN and its only full-time member of staff. Ali Cook (Financial Administrator) joins UKOLN.


CBM and UKOLN merge to form UKOLN: The Office for Library and Information Networking. UKOLN is now jointly funded by the ISC (now the JISC) and BLR&DD.


Chris Brown joins UKOLN in the early summer. Philip Bryant retires as director of UKOLN and Lorcan Dempsey is appointed as director of UKOLN in November.


There is further revision of UKOLN's name, it is now known as UKOLN: The UK Office for Library and Information Networking. UKOLN recruits several new research and information staff, including Rosemary Russell (Research Officer, Distributed Library Systems), Rachel Heery (Research Group co-ordinator), Sarah Ormes (Research Officer, Public Library Networking), John Kirriemuir (Information Officer), Hazel Gott (Events Manager) and Ruth Burt (Office Administrator and PA to the Director).


As the library is refurbished, UKOLN moves back into new offices on Level 4. Several more new staff are recruited, including Andy Powell (Technical Development and Research Officer); Glen Monks (Network Systems Officer) who replaces Chris Brown, who left in the spring; Michael Day (Research Officer, Metadata Group); Isobel Stark (World Wide Web Officer), and Penny Rogers (Bibliographic Research Assistant). Brian Kelly joins as the UK Web-Focus.


More new staff arrive: Sally Criddle (Resource Co-ordinator); Eddie Young (Network Support Officer); and Ian Peacock (Web-Watch Officer). Birgit Kongialis joins part time as Events Assistant, Philip Hunter is recruited as Information Officer when John Kirriemuir moves to the ILRT in Bristol in September (then onto OMNI); Glen Monks returns to his studies and has since graduated, and Steve Prowse retires.


Penny Rogers leaves UKOLN in March to concentrate on her freelance book editing activities. Isobel Stark leaves UKOLN in April, in order to take up the position of Subject Librarian in the Main Library in the University - a move which involved a lateral shift of 25 yards. Bernadette Daly joins us in early July from Canada (a British expatriate) as Information Officer to support the Web service and work along with Philip Hunter on Ariadne and the new web magazine, Exploit Interactive. Susan Stidolph now assists Ann Chapman, part-time, with her survey work. Manjula Patel also joins us on a part-time basis on the BIBLINK project. Adam Batenin, a PhD student in the Mathematics Department provides technical support for Exploit Interactive and related services. Tracy Gardner, Technical Development and Research, starts work in the areas of metadata (DESIRE) and distributed library and information systems (AGORA and MODELS).


Paul Miller joins UKOLN in January as Interoperability Focus, but is based in Hull. He is the first UKOLN remote worker. Bridget Robinson (Agora Communications Manager) joins to cover Rosemary Russell's maternity leave and Pete Cliff (RDNC Systems Developer) joins the Distributed Systems and Services Team. Rachel Heery and Andy Powell are now Assistant Directors as well as Team Leaders for research and development and distributed systems and services respectively. Brian Kelly leads the information services team and Sally Criddle leads the resources and administration team. In April, UKOLN and guests celebrate with Hazel and Vic Gott in Woods Restaurant, Bath to toast their joint retirement after many years spent at the University of Bath. Ian Peacock and Bernadette Daly also leave.


After almost 6 years as UKOLN's Director Lorcan Dempsey leaves to join JISC as DNER Programme Director at the end of May. Rachel Heery and Andy Powell take on the roles of acting directors while a new director is found. Lou Daly and Tracy Gardner also leave to take on new challenges elsewhere. Several new staff members join over the year: Marieke Napier (Information Officer), Richard Waller (IMESH Project), Monica Bonett (IMESH Project), and Leona Carpenter (researcher). In October Liz Lyon leaves her post as Head of Research and Learning Support Systems at the University of Surrey and becomes UKOLN's new director. Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries replaces the Libraries and Information Commission (LIC) and the Museums and Galleries Commission (MGC). Resource is one of UKOLN's key funders, along with JISC.


UKOLN takes a new position in the University of Bath within DACS, the Division of Access and Continuing Studies. It is hoped that a closer relationship with the University will be formed as a result. The number of staff within UKOLN continues to rise with the addition of Pete Johnston (research officer), Penny Garrod (public library focus) replacing Sarah Ormes, Sara Hassen (events manager) replacing Joy Fraser and Shirley Keane (Web editor). At the end of 2001 there are 25 members of staff and extra offices are acquired over in Wessex House on the University Campus.


UKOLN (UK Office for Library Networking) becomes 'UKOLN'. The change is intended to reflect the move to include further new digital information areas. More new staff join over the year: Julie Stuckes (SPP), Ruth Martin (SPP) and Peter Dowdell (developer). UKOLN is also involved in a re-structuring exercise to align work more closely to the Review recommendations and to support the new Strategy more effectively. This involves the creation of the Information & Communications team which brings together events, marketing activities, electronic publishing. Marieke Napier gets married and becomes Marieke Guy; and both Marieke and Sally Criddle start maternity leave. Michelle Ibison joins to cover Sally's absence as Resource co-ordinator but later leaves for a new role within the University and is replaced by Jenny Taylor.


2003 is an unsettling time for UKOLN. There are insecurities about where the physical office should be, and some discussion about moving off the University campus. In March Amanda Closier joins as a Research Officer for the IE Services Registry and Greg Tourte joins as RDNC Systems Developer. Julie Stuckes, Ruth Martin, Leona Carpenter, Pete Cliff, Sara Hassen and Paul Miller all leave to take up new posts. Rosemary Russell and Marieke Guy return from maternity leave. Monica Bonett gets married and becomes Monica Duke. In line with Bath University's policy on flexible working UKOLN staff are encouraged to consider different working practices. There is an increase in staff choosing remote working. Penny Garrod now works from her home in Plymouth. Rosemary Russell is based in London and Amanda Closier in Birmingham.


It is confirmed that UKOLN can remain on the University of Bath campus. UKOLN becomes a partner in the UK Digital Curation Centre, other partners in this venture include The University of Edinburgh (lead), The University of Glasgow and the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CCLRC). The European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) is organised by UKOLN and held at the University of Bath in September. During the year there are further staff changes as Cora Eley joins the resources and Administration team and Emma Tonkin joins Interoperability Focus. Penny Garrod, Pete Dowdell and Amanda Closier leave and Sally Criddle and Marieke Guy both start their second maternity leave. Monica Duke starts remote working in Leeds. Focus on UKOLN replaces the UKOLN newsletter, now edited by Richard Waller.


UKOLN events group continue the good work with may DCC events and the ninth annual Institutional Web Management Workshop, held in Manchester. The maternity leaves' continue with Monica Duke going off in June, while Marieke Guy returns in January and Sally Criddle returns in July to replace Cora Eley.Traugott Koch joins UKOLN in May as a research officer working on eBank UK and the IESR.