[JISC] Facing the Legal Challenges of Providing
Internet Access in HEIs

Organised by The JISC with support from UKOLN


9.30am Registration and Coffee

10.00am Opening Remarks (15 mins)
Chair: Mike Tedd, Joint Information Systems Committee
Organiser: Andrew Charlesworth, School of Law, University of Hull

10.15am Session 1 - Intellectual Property
Professor Charles Oppenheim, De Montfort University
Topics covered: Copyright Trademark

11.30am Coffee (15 mins)

11.45am Session 2 - Criminal Liability
Mark Gould, Department of Law, University of Bristol
Topics covered: Obscene Materials/Pornography
Computer Misuse
Contempt of Court
Racial Hatred

1.00pm Lunch (1hr)

2.00pm Session 3 - Data Protection/Defamation
Andrew Charlesworth, School of Law, University of Hull
Topics covered: Data Protection Libel

3.15pm Tea (15 mins)

3.30pm Session 4 - Educating the User, Training the Administrator
Andrew Charlesworth, School of Law, University of Hull
Topics covered: Education of the user as to the potential consequence of their actions
Training Administrators in how to deal with potential problems
Providing a coherent administrative reaction.
Obtaining and protecting your own rights
The need for a rights management framework.

4.45pm Panel Discussion
Opportunity for delegates to question the speakers on the issues raised.

5.30pm Conference Ends
