Rightsandrewards cluster summary

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Rights and Rewards

The project is researching into 'blended' repositories of teaching material and research output. With a high focus on motivational aspects of depositing to repositories, we undertook a national survey to discover what motivates academics to contribute to repositories and what rights they would like to retain in their materials. We focused on previous, present and future use of repositories in terms of these rights and rewards.

Our most recent activity is investigating the different digital lifecycles for the different types of files and formats that are most commonly used as well as the most appropriate metadata for each of these types.

We are also executing a workflow mapping exercise which aims to identify the processes involved with creating and sharing teaching material and research output. We also aim to highlight the support in order for a blended research and teaching materials repository to be sustainable.

In future work, the Rights and Rewards Project aims to;

  • Develop a rights solution and a rewards scheme
  • Develop and implement best practice guidelines for both reward schemes and rights solutions within existing pilot repository architectures
  • Recommend future technical developments within current repository architectures and associated standards to support rights and rewards fully
  • Recommend best practice to the HE and FE community form a model of collaboration between the project partners.


  1. What would make a good rewards mechanism and rights solution?
  2. What stakeholders are involved in the creation and sharing of teaching material?
  3. Which types of files and formats are most commonly used when creating teaching material?
  4. Which is the most appropriate metadata for each file?
  5. What are the differences between research output and teaching material repositories and whether the two types can be 'blended'?
  6. What support is needed to successfully implement, maintain and sustain a repository of teaching materials?
  7. What best practice can be recommended to others in HE/FE who may be setting up these kinds of repositories?

For further information, please visit the project website : http://rightsandrewards.lboro.ac.uk/