UKOLN AHDS RSS Feeds For Briefing Documents

RSS Feeds For Briefing Documents

RSS feeds are available for QA Focus briefing documents.

All Briefing Documents
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Quality Assurance Briefing Documents
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Standards Briefing Documents
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Digitisation Briefing Documents
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Web Briefing Documents
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Usability Briefing Documents
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Metadata Briefing Documents
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Software Briefing Documents
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Service Deployment Briefing Documents
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Legal Briefing Documents
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General Briefing Documents
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Recently Published Briefing Document

Information on the five most recently published briefing documents is given below.

New Documents
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Please note that an experimental OPML file for the RSS feeds is also available. This can be used to import all of the feeds into your RSS reader. This file is intended to be read by RSS readers.

Note that an experimental OPML viewer is available:


Embedding Content In Your Own Web Site

The RSS and OPML files can be accessed using dedicated RSS viewers. In addition you may wish to embed the content within your own Web site.

If you chose to make use of the RSS and OPML files and the Grazr application you are responsible for carrying out your own risk assessment.

Further Information About OPML

Further information about OPML is available.

It should be noted that, as described in Wikipedia, OPML has various shortcomings (e.g. OPML stores data in XML attributes, which violates a common XML design principle and due to the arbitrary nature of the "type" attribute and the acceptance of arbitrary attributes on "outline" elements, interoperability of OPML documents relies almost entirely on the undocumented conventions of content producers.) This OPML service should, therefore be regarded as experimental, is not guaranteed to be interoperable and the file is liable to be removed without notice.

Quality Assurance For The RSS Feeds

The following quality assurance policies and procedures have been developed for the RSS feeds.


5 July 2011
Removed links to Grazr. Brian Kelly.
22 Aug 2006
Added links to RSS2PDF service for the dynamic generation of PDF files. Brian Kelly.
27 Apr 2006
Added link to OPML viewer. Brian Kelly.
2 Dec 2005
Added link to new RSS file for Usability briefing documents. Brian Kelly.