Raising Awareness

"A centre of excellence in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information and cultural heritage communities."

UKOLN is based at the University of Bath.

UKOLN & DCMI Conferences

DC 2005

DCMI logo

UKOLN contributions to DC-2005 (Madrid, Spain) Site


Andy Powell, Encoding DC in (X)HTML, XML and RDF.
Presentation: [Powerpoint]

Rachel Heery,
Dublin Core Application Profiles
Presentation: [Powerpoint]

Special Sessions

Traugott Koch co-chaired a Special Session
Enhancing the Understanding of Meaning: Practical Applications of Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS)
Presentations available from: [HTML]

Working Group Meetings

Andy Powell chaired a meeting of the DCMI Architecture WG.
Presentation, Andy Powell Introduction, namespace policy, XML guidelines, workplan for next year:
Presentation, Pete Johnston DC XML Binding:
[Paper] [Powerpoint] [HTML]

Rachel Heery chaired a meeting of the DCMI Registry WG.
Presentation: [Powerpoint] [Powerpoint]

Pete Johnston chaired a meeting of the DCMI Collection Description WG.
Presentation: [Powerpoint] [HTML]

Pete Johnston also gave a presentation on XML Schema to a meeting of the DCMI Libraries WG.
Presentation: [Powerpoint] [HTML]