Netskills UKOLN Institutional Web Management Workshop

A Workshop organised jointly by UKOLN and Netskills

About The Workshop

A workshop aimed at staff involved in running institutional web services will be held at Newcastle University. The workshop will start at lunchtime on Tuesday 15 September and finish at lunchtime on Thursday 17 September.

The workshop will cover a range of topics of interest to members of web management teams including web design, accessibility, metadata, information flow models, publishing policies, database integration, web server management, new web technologies, web tools, etc.

The workshop will consist of a mixture of presentations, discussion groups, demonstrations and some limited hands-on sessions. The majority of the speakers are experienced web practioners from the higher education community, who are aware of the issues and concerns of this community.

One half-day session will be devoted to parallel sessions in which certain key web topics will be discussed in some depth. These include Web Design, Metadata and Web Server Management. There may be the opportunity for additional sessions depending on interest expressed on the workshop booking form.

The workshop is suitable for people involved in running institutional web services, including University "webmasters" and web editors, web designers, information specialists and policy makers. The workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to share common problems, experiences and solutions.

The workshop is being run jointly by UK Web Focus and Netskills. Netskills are kindly providing administrative support and the local facilities as well as input into the workshop programme.

An overview of the workshop is available.

Note that this workshop is the second national workshop organised by UK Web Focus. The first, titled Running an Institutional Web Service was held at King's College London in July 1997.

Booking Details

The cost of the workshop is £120 for members of the UK Higher Education community. This fee covers lunch on all 3 days and 2 evening meals but does not include accommodation. In order to keep administration costs down participants are expected to book their own accommodation. A list of local hotels and guest house is available.

Anyone from outside the UK HE community who is interested in attending should contact Brian Kelly (email for details of costs and availability of places.