Raising Awareness

"A centre of excellence in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information and cultural heritage communities."

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Reading List Software Hacking

A two day event investigating the interoperability between reading list software and other systems

The Møller Centre
Management Training and Conference Centre
Storey's Way

Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd July 2010


Main Page | Programme | How to book | Venue


Day 1

1030 - 1130
Registration and Coffee
1130 - 1230
  • Introduction to the event
  • Overview of JISCmail discussion
  • Bounties announced
  • 60 second pitch on what you want from the event (e.g. issues you need addressed, your aims etc)
  • Teams formation (should include non-developer)
1230 - 1400
Lunch, Networking (team formation) and Check-in to rooms
1400 - 1445

List8D, how to hack it and what we want from the event
Ben Charlton

1445 - 1530

Telstar, how to hack it and what we want from the event
Owen Stephens

1530 - 1545
Coffee Break
1545 - 1615 How can we use collective intelligence in resource list solutions for academic engagement, intelligent stock management and enhanced student experience?
Talis Education - Chris Clarke (Software Developer)
1615 - 1630

Mendely's Open API: An introduction
Overview, current and future work and demonstrations of what information can be obtained from the API
Ian Mulvanny

1630 - 1700 Opportunity of other short talks e.g. other Reading List Solutions, working with APIs, data and / or systems and depending on how many takers we have and when we finish, we can move on straight on to hacking in teams (possibly Emerald, Dawson might contribute here)
1700 - 1830 Hack / Ideas teams working together
1830 - 1930
Break (back to hotel room etc)
1930 - 2100
Dinner and networking
2100 till late Hack / Ideas teams working together (last person locks up!)


Day 2

0830 - 0930
0930 - 1000 60 second summary of ideas/hacks teams are working on
1000 - 1230 Hack / Ideas teams working together
1230 - 1330
Working lunch
1330 - 1500 Hack / Ideas teams working together and finishing off (depending on progress we may try and do presentations in this slot to finish earlier)
1500 - 1515
1515 - 1630 5 minute presentations of what teams have worked on and conclusion to event (including prizes)