Collection Description Schema Forum

CBI Conference Centre, London

12 February 2004


Introduction | Booking form | Programme | Venue | Details


The CD Focus will be running a Collection Description Schema Forum to consolidate some of the developments that have taken place and to consider challenges for the future.

The purpose of the day will be to:

The day will be a combination of presentations in the morning and discussion groups in the afternoon. The discussion groups will be looking at both strategic and implementation issues. It is hoped that this format will encourage full participation and sharing of experience and that there will be concrete outcomes, which will help to influence future work. Speakers include:

Chair - Ronald Milne: University of Oxford and former Director of the RSLP (Research Support Libraries Programme)

Michael Heaney: University of Oxford The author of the influential paper “An Analytical Model of Collections and their Catalogues”

Pat Stevens: Director of Product Planning and Strategy, OCLC

Pete Johnston: Research Officer, UKOLN, Chair of the Dublin Core Collection Description Working Group

Bridget Robinson and Ann Chapman: CD Focus, UKOLN

There will be no charge for the day but please note that delegates will be expected to meet their own travel /accommodation costs.

Introduction | Booking form | Programme | Venue | Details

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