Collection Description Focus, Workshop 2UKOLN

Multi-purpose metadata for collections

creating reusable CLDs

Friday 8 February 2002
Aston Business School, Birmingham

Discussion Group 3 : Standards for CLDs


The use of standards for the structure/semantics of data needs to be complemented by interfaces which present that data in different forms suitable for different users.

Pragmatic approach

The requirement for effective implementation of standards must be balanced against the real world requirements to create resources, often working within tight constraints of time, availability of skilled staff etc.

Standards and workflow

The application of standards may take place at various points in the process of creating resources, and different agents may be responsible for different parts of the task. For example, the content of some descriptive elements/properties (e.g. access points) may be more critical than others (e.g free text description) for resource discovery. Some central mediation/editorial control may be useful/required to ensure that standards are applied effectively.

