MEG Registry Project

Minutes of Project meeting 27 May 2002


Dave Beckett, Damian Steer (ILRT), Rachel Heery, Pete Johnston (UKOLN)


Progress meeting


ILRT need to invoice for initial payment: Dave (Note: first payment to UKOLN from JISC due May, but no money received yet. Chase if later than mid-June: Rachel).

Web site

Link the software review review and MEG registrity creation tool work onto the web site: Pete

Software review

In preparation but overdue, to be completed by June 5: Damian

Functional Requirements

Functional requirements accepted with minor modifications : ability to search terms, change 'element/term'=>element throughout. Update it, circulate and put on web site by 31st May: Pete

Need to provide schema instances for DC v1.1, DC terms, IMS by June 24: Pete

SCART review

Demonstration and discussion of tool led to suggestions for UI.

Damian to:


Need to plan out milestones and dates by June 14: Dave


Workshop needs to be in September. Need to keep in mind ECDL Rome 16-18 Sept, also Alt-C Sunderland 9-11 Sept. Pete needs to consult with MEG group to fix date. Maybe have our meeting on 16th, 19th in Ediburgh to back onto next MEG meeting (but issues with connectivity, rooms). Alternative is to have it away from that meeting in Bath or Bristol. : Pete


Updated schedule:

Date of Next Meeting