The Workstation is the Library:
The Information Workstation as Interface to the Digital Library

The Library is moving, will the Librarians follow?
Terje Hoiseth, Lulea University Library

The paper will, with Lulea University as a practical example, discuss the possibilities for information retrieval and library services from the faculty members' and students' workstations. The need for cooperation and integration between the library and the computer centre will be mentioned. At Swedish universities we have a mix of platforms for workstations, and there are of course difficulties with connection to CD-ROM databases etc.

The librarian's role as the library services are moving to the workstations is of great importance. The need for training of students and faculty members is obvious, and this will be one of the important roles of librarians in the near future.

Workshop Programme

Content by Hazel Gott
Web page by Isobel Stark of UKOLN
Page last revised on: 04-Mar-1997