Raising Awareness

"A centre of excellence in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information and cultural heritage communities."

UKOLN is based at the University of Bath.
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UKOLN | Cultural Heritage


Metadata is structured data about resources that can be used to support resource discovery, collection description, and digital preservation.

First Steps

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Detailed information about encoding formats and and opportunties to join in discussions about development and implemenation are supported by the following key external resources.

Dublin Core and DC Application Profiles Metadata for digital resources

MARC 21 Formats for library catalogues

EAD - Encoded Archival Description A nonproprietary encoding standard for machine-readable finding aids such as inventories, registers, indexes, etc.

SPECTRUM The UK and international standard for museum collections management documentation.

FRBR - Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records An entity-relationship model defining the data elements needed to support catalogue user tasks.

CIDOC CRM - Conceptual Reference Model The model references concepts and relationships used in cultural heritage documentation.

OAI-ORE - Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange Standards for the description and exchange of compound digital objects, which may combine distributed resources with multiple media types including text, images, data, and video.

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