UKOLN Institutional Web Management Workshop 2004:
Defining the Role of the Web Editor: Session Details

Workshop Session A1: "Defining the Role of the Web Editor"

This page provides details for the workshop session on "Defining the Role of the Web Editor".

Defining the Role of the Web Editor
Ian Upton, University of Birmingham
Until recently, authoring for the Web required a battery of technical skills and know-how. The role was seen as a technical one that required technical wizardry to undertake. Here at the University of Birmingham we are installing systems and processes that remove many of the technological hurdles that used to exist when creating Web pages for the corporate Web site. In the process we have to redefine our views of what is the role of the Web editor. This workshop will give the opportunity to discuss and define the role of the Web author as technology becomes more transparent.
Room Requirements:
PC and data projector.
This session took place from 16:00-17:30 on Tuesday 27th July 2004.
Contact Details
Ian Upton
University of Birmingham
Email: i.p.upton AT


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Last modified: 9th August 2004