Umbrella 2007: Managing New Technologies: The Challenge Of Web 2.0

About The Workshop Session

Brian Kelly ran a workshop session on Managing New Technologies: The Challenge Of Web 2.0 on Thursday 28th June 2007 from 15.30 at the Umbrella 2007: Catalysts For Change Conference. The conference was held on 28-30th June 2007.


Libraries are now working in an environment in which Web 2.0 technologies have a role to play in supporting user needs. This workshop will explain the implications of such technologies and provide an opportunity to discuss their relevance to the library sector and deployment strategies which can help embed such technologies within the library's working practices.

The session will cover the following topics:

Conference theme: New developments, leadership.



Managing New Technologies
[HTML format] - [MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]

Creative Commons License
The PowerPoint slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK licence.

Related URLs

Resources mentioned during this workshop will be bookmarked in the social bookmarking services using the tag umbrella-2007.

Gabbly Chat Service

Please note that a Gabbly chat service is available for use during the session.

Wikalong Tool

The Wikalong wiki tool is available for commenting on this page.

Biographical Details

Brian Kelly's job title is "UK Web Focus". His remit is to support the higher and further education and cultural heritage communities in making effective use of Web technologies. His post is funded by the JISC and the MLA.

Brian works at UKOLN - a national centre of expertise in digital information management which is located at the University of Bath.