Lessons Learnt From FOAF: A Bottom-Up Approach To Social Networks


This page contains details of a presentation on "Lessons Learnt From FOAF: A Bottom-Up Approach To Social Networks" which was presented at the JISC-CETIS Conference 2005 in Edinburgh on 15-16th November 2005.

The paper was presented in the "Collaboration and Innovation" session from 13:30-16:30 on 15th November 2005 (see session details). The talk lasted for 20 minutes.


This talk will describe FOAF - the "Friends of a Friend" Semantic Web application. The talk will give a history of the development of the FOAF vocablary and FOAF applications and outline the potential of FOAF applications in the support of collaboration.

This talk will also describe some of FOAF's apparent failings to live up to its initial potential and discuss possible reasons for this. This will then lead into a general discussion of the lessons which can be learnt.



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