We're The Young Generation, And We've Got Something To Say

About This Talk

Brian Kelly gave a talk on We're The Young Generation, And We've Got Something To Say at the "Inspiring the iGeneration Web 2.0, teenagers and libraries" conference held on 10th October 2007 at Wolverhampton Science Park, Glaisher Drive, Wolverhampton, WV10 9RU.

Brian's talk took place from 10.15-10.45.


Web 2.0 is changing things! In this talk Brian will describe how he sees students'/teenagers' use of technology changing and the implications this has for libraries.

Brian will provide a brief overview of Web 2.0, and then explain the popularity of one particular aspect of Web 2.0 - social networks - by exploring one well-known social networking service: Facebook.

The talk will describe how Facebook is being used by students and schoolchildren, by looking at some case studies, and then seek to respond to the question which many institutions are beginning to ask: "how should we respond to the opportunities and challenges posed by Facebook?"



We're The Young Generation, And We've Got Something To Say!
[HTML format] - [MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]

Related URLs

Resources mentioned during this workshop were bookmarked in the del.icio.us social bookmarking services using the tag igeneration-2007.

Biographical Details

Brian Kelly's job title is "UK Web Focus". His remit is to support the higher and further education and cultural heritage communities in making effective use of Web technologies. His post is funded by the JISC and the MLA.

Brian is an experienced Web developer having set up his first Web site in January 1993 whilst working in the Computing Service at the University of Leeds. After spending a year as a Senior Trainer for Netskills. In November 1996 Brian moved to UKOLN - a national centre of expertise in digital information management which is located at the University of Bath.

Brian's current interests include standards for Web development, Web accessibility and Web 2.0 technologies.

Brian's email address is b.kelly AT ukoln.ac.uk