Report Back for Concertation Day

This document gives summary of the report back for the eLib Technical Issues Concertation day, held at the University of London Computing Centre on 8th November 1996. There were 35 participants at the day, plus three organisers - Chris Rusbridge, Kelly Russell and Brian Kelly.

Breakout Session 1

Four groups of approximately 10 people were asked to produce a list of important technical issues.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Breakout Session 2

In the light of the comments from breakout session 1 and discussions over lunch, the following four thematic BOFs (birds of a session) sessions were identified for breakout session 2:

  1. Authentication
  2. Document formats issues and user issues
  3. System issues - cookies/ server architecture
  4. Replication / scaleability / interoperability / metadata

Document Formats Issues & User Issues


This is felt to be a difficult area

System issues


Recommendations From The Day

Other Reports

The following other reports on the day are available:

Last updated 21-Nov-96

Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus, UKOLN, University of Bath