BL RIC logo Appendix C

Copy of the Questionnaire Used in the BLRIC Survey

No: (1-4)

Retrospective conversion of library catalogues:
a study funded by the British Library Research and Development Department

It would be appreciated if you could complete this questionnaire and RETURN IT BY THE 22 JULY 1996 in the stamped addressed envelope provided to:

Philip Bryant
Reaper's Cottage
SN13 8JD

Please enter below your name, position, and the address of your library.

Name ____________________________________________________________

Position ____________________________________________________________

Name of Library ________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________



When the report of this study is published is it in order for your library to be identified in it if necessary? Please indicate by putting a circle around the appropriate response below:
YES 1  (6)
NO 2  

Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Please make sure that you have read the 'notes for completion' before filling out the questionnaire. Thank-you.

SECTION A: Background data

1. To which of the following categories does your library belong?
Public library 1 (8)
Government Ministry/Departmentlibrary 2 
School/ College library 3 
Learned society/Professional library 4 
Ecclesiastical library (e.g. cathedral, parochial) 5 
Country house library 6 
Subscription library 7 
Other (Please specify) 8 


2. Please indicate the number of individual titles you estimate are contained in:-
(i) the total stock of your library = = (10-16)
(ii) any special collections included in this total
(Please list these collections below and give the number of titles
between the = signs following the collection title or subject
N.B If you are unable to produce exact figures please give
your best estimate)
___________________________________________ = = (20-25)
___________________________________________ = = (27-32)
___________________________________________ = = (34-39)
___________________________________________ = = (41-46)

(Please continue your list on a separate sheet if necessary)

3. What forms of your library's catalogue are currently being used in your institution?
(More than one response is possible)

Non-machine readable
Guardbook 1 (48-53)
Printed book 2
Card 3
Sheaf 4
Microfilmed cards 5
Other (please specify) 6


Machine readable forms
COM rollfilm or fiche7
Online public access catalogue(OPAC) 8
Other (please specify) 9 (54-56)
No catalogue available 10 (57-58)

4. Is access to your library provided for external users:
- free, without restriction1 (60)
- free, subject to special criteria2
- on payment, subject to special criteria3
- not at all, or only under exceptional circumstances?4 (57-58)

5 Are you willing to supply items, or surrogates (e.g. photocopies, microfiches) of items, on

request or through inter-library loan?
YES 1  (62)
NO 2  

6. Do you have machine readable catalogue records for any of your stock?
YES 1  (64)
NO 2  

7. If the answer to Question 6 is YES:

have these records been produced as a result of:

- cataloguing current material 1

- cataloguing of previously uncatalogued material 2 (66-68)

- retrospective conversion of manual records? 3

(More than one response is possible)

8. Have you completed (or suspended) any retrospective conversion of manual catalogue records to machine readable form for any sections of/collections in your stock?
YES 1  (70)
NO 2  

9. What collections/categories of material were included in these retrospective conversion(s)?

(Please list below and give, between the = signs after each collection title or subject, an estimate of the total number of titles involved)

________________________________________________= = (72-77)

________________________________________________= = (79-84)

________________________________________________= = (86-91)

________________________________________________= = (93-98)

(Please continue your list on a separate sheet if necessary)

10. Are you currently undertaking any retrospective conversion of your library's catalogue

YES 1  (100)
NO 2  

11. Have you any definite plans for programme(s) of retrospective conversion due to

commence within the next two years? (This may be a continuation of a current programme)
YES 1  (102)
NO 2  

12. Please give your best estimate of the total number of catalogue records in your library that need to be converted to machine readable form:

= = (104-110)

13. If you are undertaking, or planning to undertake, retrospective conversion(s), are you/will you be carrying out this work:

- on your own 1 (112-114)

- using a bibliographic utility or commercial bureau 2

- as part of a cooperative arrangement with

other libraries? 3

(More than one response is possible)

14. In undertaking your retrospective conversion(s), or in planning for future retrospective

conversion(s), have you used, or will you be using, any published guidelines for retrospective conversion?
YES 1  (116)
NO 2  

if YES, please state which published guidelines these are:


15. If you are NOT able to undertake retrospective conversion owing to lack of the necessary resources would you wish to undertake such conversion IF resources and/or expertise could be made available?
YES 1  (118)
NO 2  

(N.B.The following questions do not come within the main boundaries of the present

project, but the answers to them could be helpful in making decisions about possible

additional studies)

16. Does your library have catalogue records for non-print material (e.g. archives, photographs, slides, artefacts) which you wish could be retrospectively converted?

YES 1  (120)
NO 2  

if YES, please indicate the category of the material and give, between the = signs after each category an estimate of the number of records involved:

Archival materials 1 = = (122) (124-130)

Manuscripts 2 = = (132) (134-140)

Photographs 3 = = (142) (144-150)

Slides 4 = = (152) (154-160)

Films 5 = = (162) (164-170)

Illustrations 6 = = (172) (174-180)

Sound recordings 7 = = (182) (184-190)

Other (Please specify) 8 = = (192) (194-200)

___________________________________ = = (202-208)

___________________________________ = = (210-216)

17. Have you titles in your library which have never been catalogued and which you wish to have catalogued?
YES 1  (218)
NO 2  

If 'NO' go to 19

if YES, please give an estimate of the number of titles involved:

= = (220-226)

18. Are any of these items non-print material (e.g. archives, photographs, slides, artefacts)?

YES 1 (228)

NO 2

if YES, please indicate the category of the material and give, between the = signs after each

category, an estimate of the number of items involved

Archival materials 1 = = (230) (232-238)

Manuscripts 2 = = (240) (242-248)

Photographs 3 = = (250) (252-258)

Slides 4 = = (260) (262-268)

Films 5 = = (270) (272-278)

Illustrations 6 = = (280) (282-288)

Sound recordings 7 = = (290) (292-298)

Other (Please specify) 8 = = (300) (302-308)

__________________________________= = (310-316)

__________________________________= = (318-324)


SECTION B: Machine readable catalogue records

19. How many of your library's machine readable records are available for:-

(i) the total stock = = (334-340)

N.B If you are unable to produce exact figures for this or the following please give your best estimate)

(ii) of these records, how many are for special collections in your stock?

(Please list those collections below for which your library has machine

readable records and give the number of records between the = signs

after the collection title or subject.

________________________________________= = (342-347)

________________________________________= = (349-354)

________________________________________= = (356-361)

(Please continue your list on a separate sheet if necessary)

20. Please indicate the computer held bibliographic record format of your machine readable


UKMARC 1 (362)


In-house 3

Other external (please specify) 4


21. Please indicate the level of bibliographic description provided in your machine readable records:-

AACR2 Level 1 1 (364-370)

AACR2 Level 1+ 2

AACR2 Level 2 3

AACR2 Level 3 4

UKMARC Manual 'recommended 5

standard' for bibliographic records

Other recommended levels 6

In-house level 7

(More than one response is possible)

if 'Other recommended level' or 'In-house level', please specify what this is/these are and the data elements (e.g. personal author, corporate author, title, sub-title, etc.) included





(Please continue these details on a separate sheet if necessary)

22. Please state the subject heading/indexing/classification system(s), if any, which are used in your library?




23. Do you obtain/have you obtained machine readable records from any external source(s)?
YES 1  (372)
NO 2  

if YES, please specify the source(s) of your records




24. For pre-1801 material have you contributed to the English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC)?

YES 1 Go to 25 (374)

NO 2 Go to 26

25. If YES, how many titles have you contributed? = = Go to 27(i) (376-382)

26. If NO, do you intend to contribute records in future?

YES 1 Go to 27(ii) (384)

NO 2 Go to 28

27. (i) In what way have you contributed to/used the ESTC?

Tape of contributed catalogue holdings 1 (386)

Printout of contributed catalogue holdings 2

Reference/downloading from the online file 3

(ii) In what way do you anticipate contributing to/using the ESTC?

Tape of contributed catalogue holdings 1 (388)

Printout of contributed catalogue holdings 2

Reference/downloading from the online file 3


SECTION C: Retrospective conversion programme(s) - currently in progress

28. Are you retrospectively converting all, or some, of your:

existing non-machine readable catalogue records 1 (390-391)

previously converted catalogue records

which are not of a satisfactory standard? 2

(More than one response is possible)

29. What collections/categories of material are included in these retrospective conversion(s)?

(Please list below and give between the = signs after each collection title or subject, an estimate of the total number of titles involved)

_______________________________________________ = = (393-398)

_______________________________________________ = = (400-405)

_______________________________________________ = = (407-412)

(Please continue your list on a separate sheet if necessary)

30. Estimate how many of the titles in these collections are in languages other than English?

= = (414-420)

31. Are any of the titles in these collections in non-roman scripts?
YES 1  (422)
NO 2  

. if YES, please give:

(i) an estimate of the number of titles for the script(s) in question:

= = (424-430)

(ii) the script(s) involved (e.g.Cyrillic)_________________________

32. How long do you expect this/these current retrospective conversion(s) to take?

Less than 1 year 1 (432)

1 - 2 years 2

2 - 3 years 3

More than 3 years 4

33. What means are you using to create/obtain your records? Please indicate below:

(More than one response is possible)

Creation of records by your own library 1 (434-437)

Creation of records by use of a bureau service 2

Use of a bibliographic utility 3

Other (Please specify) 4



34. What is/are the source(s) of funding for your current retrospective conversion

programme(s)? (More than one response is possible)

Library current expenditure 1 (439-441)

'Special' internal funding 2

External funding - please specify source(s) 3


Please give an estimate of the amount of money required to complete your retrospective

conversion programme(s). (N.B. Please exclude accommodation, equipment, lighting, heating and other such standing costs)

= = (443-449)


SECTION D: Retrospective conversion programme(s) - planned

35. What collections/categories of material will this/these retrospective conversion(s) include?

(Please list below and give between the = signs after each collection title or subject, an estimate of the total number of titles involved)

________________________________________________= = (451-456)

________________________________________________= = (458-463)

________________________________________________= = (465-470)

36. How many of the titles in these collections are in languages other than English?

= = (472-478)

37. Are any of the items in these collections in non-roman scripts?
YES 1  (480)
NO 2  

if YES, please give:

(i) an estimate of the number of titles for the script(s) in question:

= = (482-488)

(ii) the script(s) involved (e.g.Cyrillic)_________________________

38. If you know the means you are going to use to create/obtain your records please

indicate below:

Creation of records by your own library 1 (490)

Creation of records by use of a bureau service 2

Use of a bibliographic utility 3

Other (Please specify) 4



39. What will be the source(s) of funding for your planned retrospective conversion


(More than one response is possible)

Library current expenditure 1 (492-494)

'Special' internal funding 2

External funding - please specify source(s) 3


Please give an estimate of the amount of money which will be required to complete your

retrospective conversion programme(s). (N.B. Please exclude accommodation, equipment, lighting, heating and other such standing costs)

= = (496-502)

40. How long do you expect this planned retrospective conversion to take?

Less than 1 year 1 (504)

1 - 2 years 2

2 - 3 years 3

More than 3 years 4


SECTION E: Public access to catalogue records

41. If you have undertaken or are planning to undertake retrospective conversion of any of

your library's catalogue records:

(i) are they, or will they be, available for use outside your library/organization

for consultation across computer networks 1 (506-507)

for downloading by other libraries for use 2

in their own catalogues?

(More than one response is possible)

(ii) If so, how are/will these records be made available for consultation or


by being mounted on the database of a bibliographic utility 1 (509-510)

by libraries directly obtaining access to your catalogue across a 2

computer network?

(More than one response is possible)

Thank you

Appendix D

Sample page of list(s) which can be produced of 'special collections
Rec. Library Special Collection Local Totals in Converted Current Planned
No. Collection Collection Titles Conversion Conversion
816Angus Local studies
5,000 5,000
Scottish 2,000
R.Inges 1,000
Montrose Subscription 4,000
564Bedfordshire Bunyan 1,000
Local studies
9,000 7,000
Bedford Town Library 750
569Birmingham Early printing 12,899
Shakespeare 45,360 4,500
Parker (children's books) 11,240 11,000
War poetry 2,721 2,721
Milton 1,478 1,200
Cervantes 1,316 1,316
Johnson 1,988 1,988
Labour Trade Union and
Cooperative movement 1,000,000
Local studies
Joseph Priestley 500
Louden 200
573Bradford Bradford
10,000 10,000
Federer (Yorkshire) 10,000
Dickons (Bradford)
Empsall Tracts 1,650
Breeze Bentley 930
Lees (botanical) 70
Film and photography 5,250 5,250
594Cornwall Cornish studies
30,000 30,000
Modern art 1,000 1,000
Quiller Couch 550
Hambly Rowe 2,400
Hamilton Jenkin 400
Ashley Rowe 950
Cornish studies (other)
Maritime 2,750
Foreign language 2,600
Music and drama
Spurway 2,000
Inset (for teachers) 4,000
General art 2,700
835Edinburgh Edinburgh Room
44,449 5,000
Scottish Library 70,476 30,000
Fine Art Library 51,115 24,000 27,000
Music Library 69,376 66,000
860Renfrewshire Local studies
11,700 11,700
743Salford Working class 34,000 34,000
764Suffolk Local studies
28,724 7,000 22,000
Music and drama 7,032 7,032
Newmarket racing 1,353 1,353
Seckford and Fitzgerald 1,134
