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IEMSR Classic Web View documentation

Be aware that, whilst the Classic Web View is unlikely to change much in the future, there is still the possibility that some reorganisation may occur; if so, this documentation will be updated to reflect that fact. However, this documentation may lag somewhat behind practical development.

The Classic Web View is available at IEMSR classic web view.

The 'Welcome' screen

Splash screen

If you intend to make ongoing use of the IEMSR, this is the page to bookmark and return to when beginning future sessions. Click on the 'Welcome to the IEMSR' logo to continue.

The 'Agency' view

Agency view

The page that you will then be brought to is the 'Agency' view; in Dublin-Core-Metadata-speak, 'Agency' refers to individuals or organisations, so from this view you will be able to see the individuals or organisations who are responsible for various metadata standards and structures within the IEMSR. The table provides the organisation's name, a brief description of the organisation (if available) and their homepage.

Viewing the resources belonging to a specific organisation

Organisation view

Clicking on the organisation's name will bring you to a jumping-off point for the various metadata standards controlled by that agency; click on each one to retrieve pages describing each metadata set in detail.

Finding application profiles


Dublin Core Application Profiles and Metadata Vocabularies may be browsed for via the 'DC' tab. LOM Application Profiles and Metadata Vocabularies may be browsed to via the 'LOM' tab.

Finding metadata properties

The IEMSR presently allows visitors to search by: agency, Dublin Core property name, and LOM element name.

Search view

The search process for 'agency' is straightforward; simply put in a term (such as 'RDN' or 'Dublin Core') and press 'Search'.

DC/LOM search view

The search process for DC and Lom elements is equally straightforward but, because of the limited number of valid terms, a free-text search is a little frustrating to use. Therefore, these search modes are enhanced to allow valid search terms to be suggested as you type. First, select 'DCProperty' or 'LOMElement' from the pull-down menu to the left. You will notice that after a moment, several possible terms outlined in blue will appear underneath the main search box. If one of these is the term that you are looking for, click on it and it will appear in the search box; just press 'Enter' or click on the 'Search' box to complete the search. If you are looking for another term, try typing the first couple of letters of that term into the search box; suggested terms beginning with that letter will appear after a moment.