The Workstation is the Library:
The Information Workstation as Interface to the Digital Library

Do It Yourself! a guide to setting up a scholar's workstation
David Cairns, University of Stirling

The presentation will cover the process of developing a Scholar's Workstation from a set of initial requirements, through design to implementation. Issues which affect the implementation of a local workstation environment will be discussed together with examples of how they can be resolved.

It is aimed at people who wish to consider implementing their own system and would like to know where potential problems might arise. Issues discussed will cover both the technical and managerial aspects of putting a Scholar's Workstation in place, and will cover points such as cross-platform support, network bandwidth implications and integration of Library and Computing systems.

Workshop Programme

Content by Hazel Gott
Web page by Isobel Stark of UKOLN
Page last revised on: 05-Mar-1997