Collection Description Schema Forum

Recommendations February 2004


The CD Focus Schema Forum was held on Thursday 12th February 2004 at the CBI Conference Centre in London. The purpose of the day was to provide an opportunity for implementers and policy makers to review the progress that has been made in the creation of collection-level descriptions, including the different implementations of the RSLP CD schema, the proposed CD Application Profile (DC CD AP), emerging from the work of the Dublin Core Collection Description Working Group (DC CD WG) and in the light of these developments strategies for future.

In the afternoon the delegates broke into three groups to discuss recommendations for the future. The main questions to address were:

All groups reported back. Andy Powell (UKOLN) summarised the discussion outcomes. The main points were as follows:

It was further suggested that JISC pursue discussions with IMLS (Institute of Museum Library Services - represented at the Forum by Tim Cole and Sarah Shreeves from University of Illinois Ubana Champaign) - regarding possible collaborative work.

Content by: Ann Chapman of UKOLN.
Page last revised on: 11-Mar-2004
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