
Monday 14 April

11.00-11.05 Welcome (Richard Heseltine, Chair, University of Hull)

11.05-11.15 MODELS update (Rosemary Russell, UKOLN)

11.15-11.25 Scene setting: why resource sharing? (Bill Macnaught, Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council)

11.25-11.40 Network infrastructure required (Lorcan Dempsey, UKOLN)

11.40-12.20 Motivations for resource sharing:

(i) public library services (Guenever Pachent, Suffolk County Council)
(ii) academic library services (Ian Mowat, University of Edinburgh)

12.20-13.00 Local initiatives responding to motivations:

(i) CALIM (John Blunden-Ellis)
(ii) Somerset County Libraries (Rob Froud)

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00-15.00 Regional/national initiatives responding to motivations:

(i) Viscount version 3 (Peter Smith, LASER)
(ii) UNITY(Margaret Sheridan, Lancashire County Library)
(iii) SALSER (Peter Burnhill, Edinburgh University Data Library)
(iv) The National Bibliographic Resource (Robert Smith, The British Library)
(v) National Agency for Resource Discovery scoping study (David Kay, Fretwell-Downing)

15.00-15.30 Systems framework: SILO - State of Iowa Libraries Online(Sharman Smith, State Library of Iowa)

15.30-16.00 Tea

16.00-17.30 Breakout sessions:

(i) Organisational issues
(ii) Local model
(iii) National model
(iv) End user access

17.30-18.30 Report back

Tuesday 15 April

09.00-09.30 Consolidation of issues from report back session

09.30-10.00 Inhibitors: discussion

10.00-10.45 Systems architecture and requirements (Robin Murray, Fretwell-Downing)

10.45-11.15 Coffee

11.15-12.45 The way forward

12.45 Lunch