UKOLN Bibliographic Management



BNBMARC record currency survey

This survey measures the currency (or availability at the time required) of BNBMARC records for post 1974 published titles with UK imprints. Since 1980 samples have been collected at the stage items were about to be catalogued. Since 1988 a second sample is also collected of items about to be ordered.

The abstract is available of an article, National library bibliographic record availability: a long term survey which was published in Library Resources and Technical Services Vol.39(4) Oct 1995 pp345-357.

Acquisitions Trends survey

This survey, carried out by UKOLN and LISU, examined the trends in acquisitions and stock management using the cataloguing stage sample of the BNBMARC Currency Survey from 1980 to 1998. The work was supported by a grant from the BNB Research Fund (BNBRF) and a report on the study submitted to BNBRF in January 2000.

Multi-Source record survey

This survey used the ordering stage sample of the BNBMARC Currency Survey to assess the availability of bibliographic records for the UK imprint on a number of databases and bibliographic services. The survey was carried out from 1996 to 1999.

Quality of records created for the BNB files

This survey monitors the accuracy and consistency of records created by the British Library Acqusitions, Processing and Cataloguing Section and the Copyright Agency Libraries for the BNB files. From July 1994 to December 1997 this was carried out monthly; from 1998 an annual check is carried out in March.

[Bibliographic Management]

Web page content by Bibliographic Management Group of UKOLN.
Last updated on 15-Mar-2000

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