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ROADS and the Dublin Core

The Dublin Core (DC) provides a set of 15 metadata elements, primarily intended to enhance discovery of electronic resources. Originally conceived for author-generated description of Web resources, it has also attracted the attention of formal resource description communities, such as museums and libraries, and is increasingly used as the basis for interoperability between databases using different schema.

This page describes the relationship between ROADS templates and the Dublin Core.

Mapping ROADS templates to Dublin Core

The ROADS DOCUMENT and SERVICE template types, the two template types most commonly used in ROADS databases, have both been mapped to the Dublin Core.

ROADS DUBLINCORE template type

A ROADS DUBLINCORE template type has also been proposed. This template type is still under discussion - comments are welcome.


A proposal for using ROADS for Web-site metadata management is available. This proposal is based on the DUBLINCORE template type.

There is also an example ROADS database containing DUBLINCORE records for most of the articles in the Web version of Ariadne.

Maintained by: Andy Powell
Last updated: 19-Sep-1998

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