Cost Of Web Accessibility provides valuable advice on making Web sites accessible.

But look at what it describes:

  1. First, we're defining an absolute size
    (12px) for every <p>. All browsers apply this style …
  2. Then we include the odd-looking comment "/*/*/". Due to bugs in Netscape 4, everything between this comment and the following one will be ignored. That's right, all the following styles will only be applied in non-Netscape-4 browsers.
  3. Immediately after the odd-looking comment, we include an empty rule "a {}". Opera 5 for Mac is buggy and ignores this rule (and only this rule). It applies everything else.

p {font-size: 12px;}


body p {font-size: x-small;

voice-family: "\"}\"";

voice-family: inherit;

font-size: small;}

html>body p {font-size: small;}

/* */

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