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The impact of electronic publishing on library services and resources in the UK

Appendix 2 - Bibliography

This bibliography was compiled as a working document for the Working Party from the following sources:

An online search in Pira Abstracts (terms: electronic publishing, licensing, standards, copyright), covering the past two years.
Items provided by members of the Working Party
Abstracts in Information Management & Technology, 1992-4.
List of R&DD reports relevant to electronic publishing.

Items have been sorted under the following broad headings:

Document access and electronic libraries
Electronic books
Electronic journals
Electronic mail
Electronic publishing
Impact on libraries
Legal deposit
Licensing and charging
Licensing - multimedia

Specific references made in the text of the report are listed in the References section.


Binnie A (1993). Knowing your electronic rights. Electronic Author (1), Summer 1993.

Caruso D (1992). Electronic publishing on 'The Net'. Digital Media A Seybold Rep. 1 (9): 3-4.

Clark C & Hadley C (1993). Collective administration of reprographic reproduction rights, principles and practice: the British experience. London: Copyright Licensing Agency.

Cornish G (1993). Copyright management of document supply in an electronic age: the CITED solution. Interlending & Document Supply 21 (2): 13-20.

Dorner J & Riddle M (1991). The impact of new technology on authors . BNBRF Report 53. London: The British Library Research & Development Department.

Frost T (1993). Copies and robbers. Personal Computer World 16 (3): 403-404.

Hadley C P (1992). Electronic use of copyright works: electro-storage, electro-copying and electro-manipulation. Learned Publishing 5 (4): 220-4.

Keates S (1993). Copyright protection in the electronic environment: the CITED model. IATUL News 2 (2): 8. See also C&L Applications 7:(4): 11-13.

Library Association (1993). LA/JCC Statement on electrocopying. London: LA Joint Consultative Committee.

Oppenheim C (1992). Electronic copyright. Library & Information Briefings (35), September 1992.

Tamer J (1993). An interesting legal wrinkle - new media and the Copyright Act. Digital Media A Seybold Rep. 2 (10-11), 19-21.


Baker D & Wood A (1994). Document delivery: the UEA experience. Paper presented at Computers in Libraries International 94, London, 15-17 February 1994.

Brown D J (1993). A review of future developments in interlibrary loan and document delivery. Information UK Outlooks (3), 22 pp.

Grimshaw A (1994). ELINOR electronic library project. Information Management & Technology 27 (1): 33-35.

Heale S (1994). The virtual library and information networking. Information in Action Series: No.4. London: The Information Partnership.

Helal A H & Weiss J W (1993). Opportunity 2000: understanding and serving users in an electronic library. 15th International Essen Symposium, 12 - 15 October 1992 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Essen University Library. Essen: Universit tsbibliothek 1993. (Publications of Essen University Library no.15).

Ramsden A & Wu Z (1993). ELINOR electronic library project chooses Pix Tex/EFS: Part 2. Library Technology News (8): 3-5.

Wiggins G (1992). Collection development vs access in academic science libraries. Science & Technology Libraries 13 (1): 57-71.


Erlandsen J (1992). Marketing strategies for electronic books. Paper presented at Electronic Publishing 92: the IEPRC XIth Annual Conference held 10-12 June 1992 at Milan, Italy.

Feeney M (1993). Electronic texts. Library & Information Briefings (40).

Feldman T (1992). Further developments of the electronic book. BNBRF Report 57. London: The British Library Research & Development Department.

Feldman T (1990). The emergence of the electronic book. BNBRF Report 46. London: The British Library Research & Development Department.


Anon (1993). The journal at the crossroads. C&L Applications 7 (3): 10-11.

Anon (1993). Online journals, the way ahead for OCLC. Information World Review (82): 5.

Cummings A et al (1992). University libraries and scholarly communication . Study prepared for the Andrew W.Mellon Foundation. Washington: Association of Research Libraries, November 1992.

Harnad S (1993). Implementing peer review on the net: scientific quality control in scholarly electronic journals. Paper presented at International Conference on Refereed Electronic Journals: Towards a Consortium for Networked Publications. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 1-2 October 1993.

Langschied L (1991). The changing shape of the electronic journal. Serials Review, Fall 1991, 7-13.

Line M (1992). S & T journals and student books: a fresh look at alternatives. Private communication, 28 Dec.1992.

McKnight C (1993). The electronic journal. Library & Information Briefings (44).

Naylor B (1993). S & T journals and student books: a fresh look at alternatives: Some comments on a paper by Maurice Line. Private communication, 23 Apr.1993.

SCONUL Advisory Committee on Serials (1992). A system of electronic journals for the united kingdom. Comments on a paper by Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer. Private communication, 4 Nov.1992.

Singh J & Meadows J(1993). Electronic serials for library and information specialists on Internet. Aslib Proceedings 45 (9): 234-243.

Strangelove M & Kovacs D (Compilers) (1991). Directory of electronic journals, newsletters and academic discussion lists. Washington: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing.

Swinnerton-Dyer H P F (1993). Information services for the promotion of scholarly activity. Paper presented to NACSIS Open Forum, Tokyo, 3 June 1993.

Woodward H (1993). The impact of electronic information on serials collection management. Paper presented to IFLA Conference, Barcelona, August 1993. [To be published]


Shoebridge M & Watson M (1992). The use of electronic mail in the University of Birmingham Library. Library Technology News (4): 1-3.


Anon (1993). An overview of print publishing markets in the european community. IMO Working Paper 93/4. Luxembourg: The European Commission.

Anon (1993). Publishing and networking: introduction. Electronic Documents 2 (12): 12-32.

Baker J F et al (1992). Coming to terms with electronic publishing. Publ. Weekly 239 (52): 7,9-10.

Brown D (1993). Present status of electronic publishing within the UK publishing industry. In Libraries and IT: Working papers of the Information Technology Sub-committee of the HEFC's Libraries Review. Bath: UKOLN: The Office for Library and Information Networking.

Consulting Trust GmbH (1993). Strategic study on new opportunities for publishers in the information services market. Report prepared for the Commission of the European Communities DG XIII/E, no.14926 EN (February 1993).

DJB Associates (1990). IT and the printing industry: the UK printing industry and its interaction with the broader informatics industry in assessing future trends. Research Paper 91. London: The British Library Research & Development Department.

Dorner J (1991). Authors and information technology: new challenges in publishing. BNBRF Report 52. London: The British Library Research & Development Department.

Downs S (1992). CD-ROM's power will affect more than records. Print World 239 (3): 20-21.

Eade C (1993). Digital dailies. Personal Computer World 16 (9): 390-394.

Electronic Publishing Services Ltd. (1991). Fax-based information services: current status and the future perspective. BNBRF Report 55. London: The British Library Research & Development Department.

European Commission (1993). Main events and developments in the electronic information services market 1991. Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. IMPACT Programme. CEC Paper COM(93) 156 final. Brussels, 19 April 1993.

European Commission (1993). Main events and developments in the electronic information services market 1992. Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. Brussels, July 1993.

Fiddes R G & Winterbottom D R (1991). The feasibility of electronic accession of archive material at the printers. BLR&DD Report 6061. London: The British Library Research & Development Department.

Huber W (1993). The contribution of IMO to policy formulation. Paper presented at the Third IMPACT Information Day held 22 Jan.1993 at Luxembourg, pp.29-47. Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities.

Hyams P (1992). Producing CD-ROMs. Electron Doc. 1 (8): 1-32.

International Publishers Copyright Council (1993). The publisher in the electronic world: a discussion document. London: International Publishers Copyright Council.

Shackel B (1991). BLEND - 9: overview and appraisal. Research Paper 82. London: The British Library Research & Development Department.

Tuck B et al (1990). Project Quartet. LIR Report 76. London: The British Library Research & Development Department.

Worlock D R (1993). Publishing beyond the 1990s: seven key words. EP Journal. August/September 1993, pp.4-8.


Bevan N (1994). Transient technology? The future of CD-ROMs in libraries. Program 28 (1): 1-14.

East H (1992). Balancing the books: resourcing electronic information services in academic and public libraries. BLR&DD Report 6057 I. (CCIS Policy Paper 3). London: The British Library Research & Development Department.

Fresko M & Brindley L (1993). Optical disc technology and european libraries; a study of user and technical requirements. London: Bowker-Saur.

Goossens P (1994). ELAG 93: Report of the library systems seminar on the virtual library. Program 28 (1): 67-71.

The Royal Society (1993). The STM information system in the UK. Study on behalf of the Royal Society, The British Library and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers. British Library R&D Report No.6123. London: The Royal Society.


Martyn J (1990). Legal deposit and new technology. Library and Information Briefings (23).


Abbott C M & Smith N R (1994). Resourcing issues. In T.A. Hanson and J.M. Day (eds) CD-ROM in libraries: management issues, pp.39-55. London: Bowker-Saur.

Anon (1992). Electrostorage dialogue advances. Rights 6 (3): 13-14.

Blake P (1993). CD-ROM network pricing. Online and CDROM Review 17(2): 105-108.

Cox, J. (1993). Update on proposed NLM networking charges. UKOLUG Newsletter 4(6).

Dickens J & Feldman T (1992). Electronic media markets: key licensing issues facing the publisher. London: Publishers Association.

EUSIDIC (1989). Guideline on CD-ROMs: supply conditions and pricing. Newsidic (96): 3-5.

Jensen M B (1991). CD-ROM licenses: what's in the fine or non-existent print may surprise you. CD-ROM Professional 4(2): 13-16.

Koenig M E D (1993). Two CD-ROM pricing issues. Online and CDROM Review 17(6): 369-371.

Levin C S (1990). CD-ROM pricing: time for some new ideas. CD-ROM Professional 3(6): 8-9.

Library Information Technology Centre (1993). CD-ROM networking, monitoring, metering and control systems. Report to CD-ROM SPAG (CD-ROM Standards and Practices Group). London: LITC, December 1993.

Nissley M & Nelson N M (eds) (1990). CD-ROM licensing and copyright issues for libraries. Westport, CT: Meckler.

Poynder R (1993). Site licensing - database producers, online hosts and users give their views. Online & CD-ROM Review 17 (1): 41-44.

Quint B (1991). Controversy over NLM CD-ROM licensing prices. CD-ROM Librarian 6(4): 24-25.

Shear V (1992). CD-ROM and metering: an overview. CD-ROM Professional 5(2): 85-87.

Weber R (1994). Getting personal. Educom Review 29(1): 59.

Whitaker D (1993). CD-ROM: licensing and pricing issues. In M. Morley and H. Woodward (eds). Taming the electronic jungle. Electronic information: the collection management issues. Leeds: National Acquisitions Group and United Kingdom Serials Group.


Dickens J. (1992). Pay up. Multimedia (9): 27-28.

Freiberger P & McNeill D (1992). Whose data is it anyway? - Fair use explored. PC World 10 (12): 322M-47, 322M-49-322M-50, 322M-52.

Gersh D L & Jeffery S (1993). Structuring the multimedia deal: legal issues - part 1. Licensing in the multimedia arena. CD-ROM Prof 6 (2): 36-40.


Anon (1992). Multimedia: new opportunities for publishers. Rass Grafica (14): 2.

Carrigan T (1992). Booked up. Multimedia (8): 10-12.

Feldman T (1992). Barriers to investment in multimedia publishing: a European perspective. Multimedia Rev.3 (2): 44-51.

Feldman T (1991). Multimedia in the 1990s. BNBRF Report 54. London: British Library Research & Development Department.

Feldman T (1992). European multimedia publishing overview. Multimedia CD Publ 1 (1): 3-6.

Pitman J (1992). Multimedia - the way forward for publishing? Bookseller (4536): 1606-1608.

Schmenk A (1992). Multimedia - the future has begun. Druckspiegel 47 (3): 262, 264, 266.


Akeroyd J, Winterman V & Royce C (1990). CD-ROM networking. Research Paper 92. London: British Library Research & Development Department.

Anon (1994). Libraries, networks and Europe. A European networking study: preliminary report. LISC (94) 10. London: British Library Research & Development Department.

Moore C & Whitsed N (Eds) (1992). CD-ROM networking in practice. London: UK Online User Group: Library Information Technology Centre.

Swain S (1993). Networked information services in support of pharmaceutical research. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Computers in Libraries International Conference, London, February 1993. London: Meckler.


Anon (1992). BSI announces new initiatives. Omni 2 (10): 3 & 5.

Anon (1992). Hypermedia. Trend Monitor Report, Omnibus Edition 1991-1992, 101-104.

Anon (1993). Storing and transporting: introduction. Electronic Documents (11): 12-31.

Anon (1992). DIMPE future assured. Print World 238 (12): 9.

British Standards Institution (1993). BS 4783: Storage, transportation and maintenance of media for use in data processing and information storage.Parts 1 to 7, 1988-1993. London: British Standards Institution. [Part 7 deals specifically with recommendations for optical data disks (CD-ROM).]

Fox B (1992). CD makers perform in unison to stop the rot. New Sci 133 (1815): 19.

Fox B (1992). "Baffling" case of CD incompatibility. New Sci. 133 (1807): 27.

Johnson S (1993). Virtual documents - the past, the present and some standards for the future. Aslib Proc. 45 (4): 103-106.

Kaebnick G E (1992). Big picture. Inform 6 (10): 16-21.

Lee X & Crane N B (1993). Electronic style: a guide to citing electronic documents. London: Meckler.

Leu P (1992). New image formats in electronic prepress. Dtsch Drucker 28 (26): W2-W3.

Vane-Tempest S (1992). Beware of optical standards. Image Processing 4 (5): 22-3.

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