Using Dublin Core in Museums


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Table of Contents

Using Dublin Core in Museums

PPT Slide

What is Metadata?

What is Metadata?

What is Metadata?

What is Metadata?

What is Metadata?

What is Metadata?

What is Metadata?

Approaches to Metadata (I)

Approaches to Metadata (II)

Approaches to Metadata (III)


Introducing the Dublin Core

Introducing the Dublin Core

Introducing the Dublin Core

Extending DC (semantic refinement)

Extending DC (a modular approach)

Extending DC?

Extending DC?

Dublin Core in 1999


Introducing the CIMI testbed project (I)

Introducing the CIMI testbed project (II)

Dublin Core and the museum community

The ‘1:1 Principle’ - What does it mean?

DC record relationships

Reality Check: Criteria for DC creation

About the Guide to Best Practice: Dublin Core

Element: Type

Element: Format

Element: Title

Element: Description

Element: Subject

Element: Creator

Element: Contributor

Element: Publisher

Element: Date

Element: Identifier

Element: Source

Element: Relation

Element: Language

Element: Coverage

Element: Rights


PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Author: Paul Miller


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